Rome, May 25, 1970

Today we often hear about Christianity as a social message. And it is only right that this aspect should be emphasized. Since God be¬came man, it is plain that he is concerned with every aspect of our affairs. Christ’s whole life is, in fact, an example of social involvement.
It must be remembered, however, that what he announced is also and is above all, a spiritual message.

We Christians do great injustices to our faith.

Now and then we pluck up the courage to love God and our fellow men, to be tolerably good and honest. Not infrequently, we pray. In short, we lead a life that has an undeniably Christian flavour.
But there are truths which we neglect, let’s admit it, and almost never think about or con¬sider only when we are forced to do so.

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Published in Città Nuova, n10/1970 – taken from: Chiara Lubich Yes Yes, No No, New City London 1977 pp. 147-152.