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A vocation

In order to describe the vocation to the life in focolare, it is necessary to refer to a story and to Chiara Lubich, a milestone from which a new pathway originated that, before her, was not there.

It all began on a Tuesday, the eve of the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Chiara could not have imagined what would come to be, after that December 7. From that “yes” was born a Family, a new Work of God, embracing women and men, Catholic Christians and those of other denominations, of different religions and those who, while not having a religious faith, want to contribute to the realization of a more united, more just and peaceful world.

For Chiara, December 7, 1943, is still the day she married God.

  • In the family of Luigia and Luigi Lubich from Trent (in northern Italy), God calls the second of their four children in a very special way.

  • While doing an act of love, the simple act one can do in a family, Chiara feels in her heart: ‘Give yourself entirely to me’. It is God’s explicit call to follow him

  • At 6 a.m. on 7 December 1943, Chiara consecrated herself to God during Mass. Before the mass, the priest had asked her: “So it is forever?”. “Yes” was Chiara’s answer.