Marino Ice Arena, 12 June 1992

We feel that you are truly free. Something each of us would like to be.
What is freedom for you? How can we possess and experience it in today’s world where there are many dangers, many occasions to become attached to things, to people, to ourselves, to our pride and to our desire to do nothing?

Not only I, but all those who belong to the Movement are truly free.
Freedom is usually defined as the choice between good and evil. But I prefer another definition. Freedom is going closer and closer towards good. The closer we go towards good, the freer we are.

Jesus said something important with regard to freedom. He said: “The truth will make you free” (Jn 8:32). The truth which is that of the Gospel. Those Words of life in the Gospel free us, they detach us from things, because Jesus said: “Go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor…” (Mt 19:21). They detach us from people too if we are too attached to them, because the Scripture says: “Cursed are those who trust in mere mortals” (Jer. 17:5).
They detach us also from ourselves, because Jesus does not want us to have trust in ourselves, but in Him. In other words, we are free from all these things, like consumerism and material things, like hedonism and bad people, like pride and attachment to oneself. If we live the Gospel, we are free. And then, we truly find the fullness of freedom. In my opinion, the only way to be completely free is to follow Jesus in His Gospel..

Chiara Lubich



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