Chiara Lubich shared the light she experienced during a period of illness.

“Over the last few days I have understood a great many things … That tears are part of the Gospel too: ‘Blessed are those who mourn’ (Mt 5:4).

I’ve understood that health is a gift we are not aware of and for which we are infinitely grateful to God when we lose it. We really thank God for all the time we have enjoyed good health, not realising it was a gift from God.  

I’ve understood that suffering which leads to exasperation is a new countenance of Jesus forsaken; that at a certain level of suffering you no longer talk to people, but it becomes an almost continuous conversation with God, distilled from the suffering like a fine liqueur.

I’ve understood that when you call upon Jesus with faith – and I have very often had the grace of a full faith – he never fails to help us… perhaps for a little while… but that is already a lot, and it is proved by the ‘joy of life’.

People who live, who work, who walk, do not know what they have. They should give thanks to God constantly because everything in their body is working, or give thanks for all that is working. 

There is a huge gap between those who are suffering and those who are not: there is a lack of communication… You see a person who is not suffering like someone deluded, sustained by their fragile health, which might be lost, and you are glad that they are not suffering.

I understood Job a little. He seemed dear to me. God gives, God takes away. He is always there. You have nothing but love for him. Meanwhile you hope that the suffering will purify your soul and give new life to others. …

(From the Diary entry dated  5th February 1973)
