At the end of the 1970s, with the spread of the Movement, a greater openness towards agnostics, atheists, the indifferent, and people without formal faith, reached the point of expressing itself in a dialogue with its own particular features. Unity also means having deep respect for human dignity, identity, culture, human needs and beliefs. With this in mind, in 1978 the “International Centre for Dialogue with People of Non-Religious Beliefs” was created. In 1992, the first international conference was organized, which has been held periodically since then. In 1995 in Loppiano, then in 1998 in Castel Gandolfo, Chiara began a “dialogue with people of non-religious beliefs”. In these conferences Chiara invited them to collaborate in the realisation of universal fraternity.

At the Council of Europe headquarters after the award ceremony of the 1998 European Human Rights Prize. Strasbourg (France), 22 September 1998
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