In the last year of the Millennium, Chiara was invited to several international meetings. In Strasbourg (France) she addressed the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Council of Europe with a talk on “Market Society, Democracy and Solidarity”, presenting the experience of the Economy of Communion as a proposal for new economic activity. In Speyer (Germany), she met the founders and leaders of 41 ecclesial movements and new communities, at a conference organised together with the Community of S. Egidio and Renewal in the Spirit (Italy); John Paul II sent a message of support.
In Augsburg, Germany, she attended the historic ceremonial signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification and met with leaders of the Lutheran World Federation.
On November 29, 1999, she spoke at the VII Assembly of the World Conference of Religions for Peace in Amman, with some reflections and experiences on the theme “A Spirituality for Common Living”. It was an opportunity to re-propose, in its essential features, the art of loving which, if lived reciprocally, is “The most solid foundation for peace and the unity in the world […]. This is the great fruit of our mutual love and the secret strength that gives strength and success to our efforts for peace. This is what the Gospel proclaims to Christians when it says that if two or more people unite in true love, Christ himself, who is Peace, is present among them and therefore in each of them”[1].
In 2001 she was in India, in Coimbatore where she was awarded the ‘Defensor of Peace’ prize by Gandhian institutions and then in Mumbai where she spoke at Hindu academic venues.

Chiara Lubich in Amman (Jordan) at the Assembly of the World Conference of Religions for Peace
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