Rome, 18 December 1948

 At the beginning of December 1948, Chiara and three of her first companions went to live in the house of the married couple Elena and Luigi Alvino. From then Chiara called Mrs Alvino “Frate Jacopa” because of her maternal service and readiness to help everyone. A few days after her arrival, Chiara, with a refined sensibility, confessed to Elena her error in judging some “wealthy” people.

My dearest, in Jesus-Infinite Love,

This morning I would have run to you as soon as I woke up, if I hadn’t feared to disturb you.
I felt that I had to fulfil an act of justice towards Jesus who was speaking so loudly in my heart, scolding me.

What I’m going to tell you … may it remain just between your and my heart. No one else would understand. Yesterday before going to bed and then this morning, I was a little disgusted about myself. I didn’t know exactly why. Examining myself a little, just for a moment, I understood that it was all because yesterday I did not act out of love.

I felt that Jesus was telling me: “Yes, you want to lash out at all the wealthy, those attached to earthly things… but you cannot personally touch my creatures whom I love infinitely, for whom I gave my Blood!”  And I understood my mistake.

Love covers all and I uncovered everything! May Jesus forgive me. But now I will start to love with all my heart millions of times more.

I absolutely don’t want to judge anyone, because I don’t know the mysteries in people’s hearts.
I completely take back any judgement given even if this may seem weakness on my part.
My nature is that of Jesus and I must obey He who lives deep in my heart.

I ask forgiveness also to you, […] for upsetting you. And I ask you please not to use – with anyone – the expressions I used yesterday in judging and criticizing others.

Because if yesterday Jesus might have worked in someone’s heart, I would not want to destroy everything with my judgment, but on the contrary I would like to help the little wick to become a huge flame!

You will help me, right? See you soon. With all my heartfelt love as daughter and sister.


(translated from the Italian text published in Armando Droghetti’s book, Elena Hoehn, protagonista della storia italiana, San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo 2012, p. 176.)
