To be available to God’s plans

Advent of the Kingdom of Love!

Dearest Duccia*,

Before I left you, and as I left you, I abandoned you to Love, so that you may become Saint Catherine of modern times.
I went into St. Mark’s Church and I prayed to Him, the Almighty for you.
I was close to Him in body and heart and He spoke to me of you. He told me that your wish is welcomed in Heaven and He, the Almighty One, is ready to carry it out.
But He told me to tell you this:
Wanting to be St. Catherine is a good thing.
Being able to be St. Catherine depends totally on God and it depends totally on you.

read the whole text

* Duccia, a few years older than Chiara, was a social worker, a Red Cross nurse who lived in Piazza Cappuccini, in Trent, near the focolare where Chiara had moved to in September 1944.
Chiara gave her as a model Saint Catherine of Siena, who was very popular in Italy and whose spirituality was centred on the two terms «Blood and Fire.»
We can perceive that the Author starts being aware of being bearer of a gift, of having been chosen by Jesus to be his confidante regarding his wound. The word “key” appears, which indicates that the cross, and especially Jesus Forsaken, opens every heart and leads to holiness.