Mumbai, January 14, 2003

In 2001, during a trip to India, Chiara Lubich came in contact with the leadership of a large, private university, the Somaiya College, founded in 1959 with the goal of reawakening in young people the values of the culture of India and of the Hindu tradition. The leaders of the institution recognized that Chiara is a figure of high moral and spiritual stature, and they wished to make her and her thought known to the whole university population. They again invited her in 2003. The text that follows is the talk that Chiara delivered on that occasion to the department heads of 31 university institutes of the Somaiya College and to an audience of 400 people.

Dr. Somaiya,
Dr. Kala Acharya,
Madame Lilabengi Kotak,
Mister Kavadia,
Mister Ranganathan.

I must first of all express my joy to be in this place on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of our beloved Mr. Somaiya, who, with his vibrant personality and vision for the future brought the large “Somaiya family” the nation’s pride.

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