February 25, 1978

Città Nuova

{rokbox title=|Open Dialogue (question to Chiara) – Città Nuova, 25/02/1978| size=|fullscreen| thumb=|images/scritti/19780225_CN-p.jpg|}downloads/chi_19780225_en.pdf{/rokbox}

Open Dialogue
(question to Chiara)

We are living through years in which human thought is rapidly changing, even the very concept of God. What is the true countenance of God that we should believe in?

R.B. – Rome

The true countenance of God to believe in is that of all times, but each era knows how to better explain it, to better penetrate it. To go straight to the truth, inarguable because infallible, it is best to see how Paul VI shows the countenance of God in his Profession of Faith, in his Creed: «We believe in one God… We believe that this God is absolutely one…. He is  ‘He who is’ as He himself revealed to Moses; and He is ‘Love’ as the apostle John teaches us; thus, these two names: Being and Love, ineffably express the same divine reality.»

Here then is the true countenance of God in which to believe in: God-love, not a God who is immutable and exiled to the heavens, but love: love in Himself, love for all of his creation. God who is love, in which the human person, the masterpiece of his work, can abandon him/herself with the certainty of being understood, comforted, helped, of being known in all the depth of his/her being. God is a Father and “counts the very hair on our heads,” as Jesus said. He therefore knows everything and “holds us in His hands.”

This is God and he should not only be contemplated, but is the Being in which the human person must be submerged in order to find his her true identity and bring into this cold, arid, hate-filled and violent world His warm breath, herald of peace, of a stable peace among all people.
