It is wise to spend the time we have by living God’s will to the full in the present moment.
Sometimes, however, we worry about the past or the future. We are concerned about situations or people for whom we cannot do anything at the moment.
This is when it becomes difficult to steer the ship of our lives. It takes great effort to keep to the course that God wishes us to have in that particular moment.

At such times we need strong willpower, determination, and especially trust in God, sometimes to a heroic degree.
Can I do nothing to resolve a certain complex situation or for a dear person who is sick or in danger?
Then I will concentrate on doing well what God wants from me in the present: study, homemaking, prayer, taking care of the children …
God will take care of the rest. He will comfort the suffering and show a way out of that entangled situation.

This way the task is being done by two in perfect communion. It demands from us great faith in God’s love for his children.
And in turn it gives God a chance to trust that we do our part.
This mutual trust works miracles. We will realize that Another has accomplished what we could not do, and that he has done it far better than we could have.
Then our trust will be rewarded. Our limited life acquires a new dimension: we feel near the infinite for which we yearn.
Our faith invigorates and gives our love new strength.
We will know loneliness no longer. Since we have experienced it, we will be more deeply aware of being children of a God, who is a Father and who can do everything.

Chiara Lubich


Taken from: Here and Now, New City Press, 2005
(Ogni momento è un dono, Editrice Città Nuova 2010)