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So far Riccardi has created 907 blog entries.

The kingdom of heaven…

June 25, 1999 Commetary on the Word of Life: The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it (Mt. 13:45-46) In this very brief parable, Jesus captures the imagination of his listeners. Everyone knew the value of pearls: along with gold, they were the most precious things one could possess. The Scriptures also spoke of wisdom, that is, of the knowledge of God, as something that was so valuable that it could not be compared to “any priceless gem" (Wis 7:9). What emerges in the parable, however, is the description of an unusual and surprising event: the merchant caught sight of a pearl, perhaps in a bazaar; only his expert eye could see that this pearl had enormous value. From it he could derive considerable profit. This is why, after careful calculation, he decided that it was well worth it to sell everything he had to buy the pearl.

2021-08-15T23:29:40+02:0029 June 2010|

The fascination of God

February 25, 1976 Città Nuova OPEN DIALOGUEby Chiara Lubich You have chosen God as the Ideal of your life, and hundreds of thousands of people the world over have discovered and chosen Him with you, in contrast to the current deep spiritual crisis. What makes this ideal of God so fascinating? Il The fact is that not I, not we, haven chosen God, but God has chosen us. And He made Himself known with His beauty, His attraction, His personal love and His truth. He revealed Himself above all through the Gospel which we discovered to be true.In the thirty-two years that we have been living this life, He never let us down: His promises have always come through.He said: “Give and it shall be given to you,” and it has always been so.He said: “”Ask and you will receive,” ask united in my name and you will receive, and it has always been so.He promised the conversion of those around us if we are united in His name: “May they

2021-08-15T23:29:32+02:0018 June 2010|

Santificarci Chiesa

Come è facile costatare, si sta facendo strada in mezzo ai cristiani il desiderio profondo, l’urgenza – vorrei dire – di servire la Chiesa, ma non tanto e non solo in modo esterno e materiale, quanto piuttosto in maniera diversa, più consona alla loro fede, più essenziale.Si avverte che, specie fra i laici, il modo di farsi santi, così come è stato concepito finora, è poco sentito, anzi a volte è considerato superato. Lo stile di santità del cristiano d’oggi va oltre quello di una perfezione cercata individualmente, e si esprime spesso così: vogliamo farci santi insieme, desideriamo una santità collettiva.Così si vanno formando qua e là gruppi di cristiani impegnati, che uniti tendono a Dio.Ebbene, ci sembra che sia Dio a volere ciò, purché il tutto abbia un timbro ampio, un respiro ecclesiale, l’amorosa unità con la Gerarchia. Il volto della Chiesa, qui trasparente di luce, lì offuscato da ombre, deve riflettersi in ogni cristiano, in ogni gruppo di cristiani: il che significa che dobbiamo sentire nostre non solo tutte

2021-08-31T02:01:55+02:0011 June 2010|

To become saints as Church

How easy it is to notice a profound desire beginning to take hold in Christians; I would even call it an urgency. They show a desire to serve the Church not so much and not only in outward, material ways but in a different manner, more in tune with their faith, more essential.One sees, especially among laity, that the way people used to think about becoming saints is not much appreciated; indeed at times they consider it outdated. The style of sanctity for today’s Christian goes beyond that of perfection sought individually, and they often express it like this: we want to become saints together, we desire a collective sanctity.So here and there we see committed Christians forming groups who, in unity, go toward God.In fact it seems to us that this is what God really wants, so long as it all has the stamp of openness, the pulse of the entire Church, a loving unity with the hierarchy. The face of the Church, with its lights and shadows, ought to

2021-08-15T23:29:50+02:0011 June 2010|

Your Ideal is God, not to be priests

Prague, May 3, 2001 {rokbox title=|An answer to a group of seminarians: “Your Ideal is God, not to be priests” :: Prague, 3 May 2001| size=|561 350| thumb=|images/video/lubich_20010503.jpg|}http://vimeo.com/12366192&autoplay=1{/rokbox} An answer to a group of seminarians: “Your Ideal is God, not to be priests” Transcription

2021-09-02T03:21:01+02:007 June 2010|

Chi avrà trovato la sua vita…

Rocca di Papa, 25 maggio 1981 Commento alla Parola di Vita: "Chi avrà trovato la sua vita, la perderà: e chi avrà perduto la sua vita per causa mia, la troverà" (Mt 10,39) downloads/chi_19810525_it.mp3 Registrata il 25/05/1981 a casa di Chiara e trasmessa il 05/07/1981 su RadioDue nel programma "Oggi è domenica". trascrizione download

2021-08-31T01:56:56+02:0030 May 2010|
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