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So far Riccardi has created 908 blog entries.

Chi ha due tuniche, ne dia una a chi non ne ha …

Roma, (Città Nuova) 25 novembre 1988 Commento alla Parola di Vita: Chi ha due tuniche, ne dia una a chi non ne ha; e chi ha da mangiare, faccia altrettanto (Lc 3,11). Queste parole sono prese dalla predicazione del Battista. L'evangelista Luca riferisce che tra le folle che correvano al Giordano per farsi battezzare, c'erano anche dei pubblicani (esattori delle imposte per conto dell'autorità romana), i quali, a motivo di questa loro professione, erano considerati dei pubblici peccatori; e c'erano dei militari i quali, a motivo della loro provenienza pagana, erano ritenuti dei “lontani da Dio”; e fa notare la buona volontà da cui costoro erano animati, come dimostra la domanda che essi rivolgono al Battista: che cosa fare per attuare la conversione richiesta per andare incontro la Messia? Chi ha due tuniche, ne dia una a chi non ne ha; e chi ha da mangiare, faccia altrettanto. Questa esortazione, con le sue indicazioni molto concrete, è la risposta che il Battista dà a queste persone di buona volontà. Luca, riferendo questo

2021-08-31T02:02:50+02:0030 November 2014|

Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none …

Rome, (Città Nuova) 25 November 1988 Commentary of the Word of Life: Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise(Lk 3:11). These words are taken from the preaching of John the Baptist. The evangelist Luke recounts that publicans were among the crowds that went to the River Jordan to be baptized. Because of their profession as tax collectors for the Roman authorities, they were considered public sinners. There were also soldiers among the crowds. Since they were coming from a pagan background, they were held to be 'far from God.' Luke points, however, to the good will of these persons, as their question to John the Baptist shows: What can we do to bring about the conversion necessary to meet the Messiah? Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise. This exhortation, with its very concrete recommendations, is the answer that John the Baptist gives to these people of good will.

2021-08-15T23:29:22+02:0030 November 2014|

Her Conversation with Patriarch Athenagoras – Interview by the Vatican Radio

Rocca di Papa, 18 July 1967 Presenter: "... Any day now, His Holiness, the great Roman Pope, will go on a pilgrimage in this old city."We take this great opportunity to bring the Churches even closer. We are nearing the goal of unity." These are the words expressed in these days by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Athenagoras, referring to the upcoming visit of Pope Paul VI to Istanbul and Ephesus. It’s a serene and affectionate declaration of a great soul, of a man of our times. These are the words of someone who, three years ago, was already a protagonist with Pope Paul, in an historical encounter in Palestine. Who is this man? What are his feelings, his hopes and his goals? How can we describe his personality?Miss Chiara Lubich, foundress and president of the Focolare Movement, just before the announcement of the Pope’s visit, had the opportunity to meet with him precisely in these days in Constantinople.What are your first impressions from your recent encounter with Patriarch Athenagoras?    Chiara:

2021-08-15T23:29:54+02:0028 November 2014|

How to Be Nothing

Rimini, 23 September 1997 {rokbox title=|How to Be Nothing:: Rimini, 23 September 1997| size=|561 350| thumb=|images/video/lubich_19970923.jpg|}http://vimeo.com/112499563&autoplay=1{/rokbox} ChiaraLubich Text

2021-09-02T03:20:33+02:0021 November 2014|

Come diventare nulla?

Rimini, 23 settembre 1997 La disponibilità ad accogliere e a far fruttare il dono dell’Eucaristia richiede un vuoto interiore che è un sì attivo alla presenza di Dio.  Chiara Lubich spiega come vivere proiettati nella volontà di Dio, per raggiungere quel nulla interiore che non è altro che apertura totale all’amore. {rokbox title=|Come diventare nulla?:: Rimini, 23 settembre 1997| size=|561 350| thumb=|images/video/lubich_19970923.jpg|}http://vimeo.com/112287691&autoplay=1{/rokbox}

2021-09-02T04:23:01+02:0021 November 2014|
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