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So far Riccardi has created 908 blog entries.

To Tell You that I Love You

Castel Gandolfo, January 29, 1998 Love needs declarations… (...) "Lately, wherever you went, you left a word that sums up a reality for that community. What word do you have to offer to us ?" Chiara: A journalist in Palermo asked me the same question. She said: "We've understood that in the Movement you're able to sum up lots of things in just a few words," a life, I would say. “Could you tell me about one of these slogans that you have?" “Well," I said, "I'll tell you the latest," and it's what I will tell you. It's what I mentioned to our focolarini priests. It’s this: "To tell you that I love you," “To tell you that I love you."I like it, I like it very much, because... I don't love you only... I love each one of you individually, as much as I can love you, but I love you in order to tell Jesus that I love him, that is, without any personal interests, without wanting to

2021-09-02T03:20:33+02:0021 October 2014|

Io sono il pane della vita; chi viene a me …

Roma (Città Nuova), 25 luglio 2000 Commento alla Parola di vita: Io sono il pane della vita; chi viene a me non avrà più fame e chi crede in me non avrà più sete. (Gv 6,35) Nel suo vangelo, Giovanni narra che Gesù, dopo aver moltiplicato i pani, nel grande discorso tenuto a Cafarnao, dice fra il resto:  "Procuratevi non il cibo che perisce, ma quello che dura per la vita eterna, e che il Figlio dell'uomo vi darà" (Gv 6,27).E' evidente, per i suoi uditori, il riferimento alla manna, come anche all'aspettativa della "seconda" manna che scenderà dal cielo nel tempo messianico. Poco dopo, nello stesso discorso, alla folla che ancora non comprende, Gesù si presenta egli stesso come il vero pane disceso dal cielo, che deve essere accettato mediante la fede: Io sono il pane della vita; chi viene a me non avrà più fame e chi crede in me non avrà più sete. Gesù si vede già pane.  E' dunque quello il motivo ultimo della sua vita qui

2021-08-31T02:02:49+02:0030 September 2014|

I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me …

Rome (Città Nuova), 25 July 2000 Commentary of the Word of Life: I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. (Jn 6:35) In his Gospel John tells how, after the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus went to Capernaum. There he gave his discourse on the bread of life during which he said: ‘Do not work for food that perishes, but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you’ (Jn 6:27). For those who were listening to him it was a clear reference to manna and also to the awaited ‘second’ manna that would come down from heaven in the Messianic age. Shortly afterwards, in that same discourse, to a crowd that still did not understand him, Jesus presented himself as the true bread come down from heaven, which is to be accepted through faith: II am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be

2021-08-15T23:29:18+02:0030 September 2014|

Sì a Gesù, no al nostro io

Sierre (CH), 16 settembre 1982 Nella spiritualità dell’unità l’accento è messo sul sì a Dio. Il no al nostro io ne è una logica conseguenza

2022-09-09T09:03:33+02:0028 September 2014|

Yes to Jesus, No to our Ego

Sierre (CH), 16 September 1982 In the spirituality of unity the accent is placed on our yes to God. The no to our ego is a logical consequence Dearest all,"If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off ...” (Mt 18:8). A few days ago, I read a wonderful passage from the letters of St. Paul, and it made me understand how he personally lived those "cuts" that Jesus speaks about. After encouraging the Christians' to imitate athletes, who undergo a lot of sacrifices to win the wreath of victory, he speaks of himself and says: "I punish my body and enslave it, so that after proclaiming to others I myself should not be disqualified" (1 Cor. 9:27).He felt the desire, the urge, the need to be an example for them. That is why he says, "I punish my body and enslave it." That is what we too must do with ourselves.Is our ego rebelling against God's will, not wanting to work as it should, to study properly, to pray

2021-08-15T23:29:48+02:0028 September 2014|

Rivoluzionari della comunione. Faccio calcolo su di voi!

Mariapoli Araceli (Brasile), 31 maggio 1991 Siamo alle origini dell’economia di comunione. Chiara, che aveva appena lanciato l’idea, vuole coinvolgere anche i giovani del Brasile. {rokbox title=|Rivoluzionari della comunione. Faccio calcolo su di voi!  :: Mariapoli Araceli (Brasile), 31 maggio 1991| size=|561 350| thumb=|images/video/lubich_19910531.jpg|}http://vimeo.com/106602040&autoplay=1{/rokbox} Testo

2021-09-01T04:01:04+02:0021 September 2014|
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