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So far Riccardi has created 907 blog entries.

Choosing God in the way of unity

Mollens (Switzerland), 11 August 1987 Two women, two charisms, but only one root: the choice of God. So you would like a concluding speech, something that we always do on the feast of St. Clare. … When we were young like you, like the majority of you, we were always greatly struck by a phrase that Saint Clare told St. Francis when the latter practically drew her to follow his way. One could expect all kinds of answers, like: “I would like to follow you in the way of poverty, I want to become a nun, I want to enter a convent,” and so on. Instead she truly got it right. “My child, what do you want?” and she answered: “God.” She wanted God because she was choosing God as God had chosen her. It’s the same choice that we also made at the beginning of the Movement, we made only one choice: God! Beyond the bombings and everything else, God emerged. We believed in God and we made God the

2021-08-15T23:29:29+02:008 August 2014|

Perdona l’offesa al tuo prossimo e allora …

Roma (Città Nuova), 25 luglio 2002 Commento alla Parola di vita: Perdona l’offesa al tuo prossimo e allora per la tua preghiera ti saranno rimessi i peccati (Sir 28,2). Questa Parola di vita è tratta da uno dei libri dell’Antico Testamento, scritto, tra il 180 e il 170 avanti Cristo, da Ben Sira, un saggio, uno scriba, che svolgeva la sua funzione di maestro a Gerusalemme. Egli insegna un tema caro a tutta la tradizione sapienziale biblica: Dio è misericordioso verso i peccatori e il suo modo di agire deve essere da noi imitato. Il Signore perdona tutte le nostre colpe perché "è buono e pietoso, lento all’ira e grande nell’amore" (Cf Sl 103,3.8). Chiude gli occhi per non vedere più i nostri peccati (cf Sap 11,23), li dimentica gettandoseli dietro le spalle (cf Is 38,17). Egli infatti, scrive ancora Ben Sira, conoscendo la nostra piccolezza e miseria, "moltiplica il perdono". Dio perdona perché, come ogni padre, come ogni madre, vuol bene ai figli suoi e quindi li scusa sempre, copre i

2021-08-31T02:02:48+02:0031 July 2014|

Forgive your neighbour the wrong done to you …

Rome ("Città Nuova"), 25 july 2002 Commentary of the Word of Life: Forgive your neighbour the wrong done to you; then when you pray, your own sins will be forgiven (Ecclus. 28:2).  This Word of Life is taken from one of the so-called deuterocanonical or apocryphal books of the Bible. It was written between 180 and 170 BC, by Jesus Ben Sirach, who was a wise man and a scribe, teaching in Jerusalem. What he taught followed a theme dear to the whole of the Wisdom literature in the Old Testament: God is merciful to sinners and we should imitate his way of behaving. The Lord forgives all our guilt because he ‘is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love’ (Ps 103:8)  He closes his eyes so as not to see our sins (see Ws 11:23), casting them behind his back (see Isa. 38:17). Indeed, writes Jesus Ben Sirach, since he knows how small and wretched we are, he ‘increases his forgiveness.’ God forgives because, like any father or

2021-08-15T23:29:22+02:0031 July 2014|

Messaggio di Chiara Lubich al Familyfest ‘93

Palaeur (Roma), 5 giugno 1993 La famiglia: quante ricchezze per l’umanità Dio ha deposto in questo scrigno. Un caloroso saluto a tutti voi presenti al Palaeur di Roma, alle famiglie riunite negli oltre 500 convegni dei cinque continenti a noi collegati e a tutti coloro che seguono per televisione e per radio il Familyfest.Siamo alle soglie del terzo millennio. La famiglia, ogni famiglia può divenire un protagonista di questa èra. Congegnata da Dio come capolavoro dell'amore, la famiglia può ispirare delle linee per contribuire a cambiare il mondo di domani. (...) Chiara Lubich Testo

2021-08-31T02:02:47+02:0029 July 2014|

Chiara’s message to the ’93 familyfest

Palaeur (Rome), 5 June 1993 God has truly placed so much wealth for humanity in the family. My warmest greetings to all of you present at the Sports Arena in Rome, to all the families meeting in the 500 FamilyFest gatherings linked to us on every continent, and to all those who are watching or listening to FamilyFest.We are on the threshold of the third millennium. The family, every family, can take a leading role in this new era. A masterpiece of love created by God, the family can be of inspiration in helping to change the world of tomorrow. (...) Chiara Lubich Text

2021-08-15T23:29:53+02:0029 July 2014|
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