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So far Riccardi has created 907 blog entries.

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another …

Rome, April 25, 1980 Commentary of the Word of Life: I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another (Jn 13:34). You may want to know when Jesus said these words. It was just before the beginning of his pas¬sion. He gave his farewell discourse as his final testament, and these words are part of that. Just think how important they are! If we never forget what a father says just before he dies, what about the words of a God? They must be taken seriously, and so together let’s try to deepen our understanding of them. I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. Jesus was about to die and what he said was affected by this. His imminent departure demanded an answer to one problem above all. How could he stay with his people and help the Church grow? You may

2021-08-15T23:29:53+02:0031 March 2014|

L’abito dei cristiani

Roma, 1963 Un invito alla gioia del Vangelo. Alle volte, Signore, nelle vanità ambulanti per le vie della città, tra la frivolezza e la superficialità, la tristezza e la fretta dell’uomo, d’ogni uomo che passa, il fruscio d’un abito di suora, il silenzioso angelico passaggio d’una “piccola sorella di Foucauld” nel suo aspetto decisamente dimesso, dice ancora alle nostre anime l’ideale del suo fondatore, che “gridò” il Vangelo con la sua vita. E rinasce allora in noi più veemente il desiderio di “dirti” anche noi, di “gridarti” pure noi...Ma come possiamo, col nostro solo passaggio, “darti” al mondo, “dirti” al mondo, testimoniarti, predicarti, noi che vestiamo come tutti, che ci confondiamo ora con tutti come Maria al suo tempo, come Gesù? Da che potranno conoscerti? E nuova pullula dal cuore l’evangelica risposta, la tua soluzione al nostro quesito: «Da questo tutti sapranno che siete miei discepoli, se avrete amore gli uni per gli altri» (Gv 13, 35). Ecco l’abito dei cristiani comuni che, vecchi e giovani, uomini e donne, sposati o

2021-08-31T02:02:44+02:0027 March 2014|

Christians’ attire

Rome, 1963 An invitation to the joy of the Gospel At times, O Lord, amidst the vanity strolling the city streets, frivolous activities, superficiality, sadness and haste in people everywhere, in every person who passes us by, suddenly the rustle of the habit, the silent and angelic passing of a “little sister of Foucald,” decidedly humble and unassuming, proclaims to our souls the ideal of her founder who shouted the gospel with his life. And in us is reborn more vehemently the desire that we too should “speak you,” we too should “shout you.” But how can we, by our own mere passing by, “give you” to the world, “speak you” to the world, be your witnesses, preach you, when we are dressed like everyone else, lost in the crowd as Jesus and Mary were in their times? How will people be able to recognize you? Once again I feel bubbling up in my heart the gospel response, your solution to our dilemma: “By this everyone will know that you are

2021-08-15T23:29:45+02:0027 March 2014|

Chiara to the Student Monks at the Manachulalongkorn Buddhist University: Some answers

Chiang Mai (Thailand), 6 January 1997 A Buddhist Grand Master of Thailand, Ajahn Tong, was struck by the spirit of the Movement -  especially by the love of neighbour – during a meeting of interreligious dialogue in 1995. He later invited Chiara to speak in front of 800 young students of the Buddhist university Manachulalongkork of Chang Mai, in the north of Thailand. After having given her experience, Chiara answered the students’ questions, emphasizing «the seeds of the Word» (cf. Second Vatican Council, Ad Gentes 11, 15; Gaudium et Spes 3) that are found in Buddhism.Luce Ardente:  As a Christian, what do you think of Buddhism? Chiara:    I cannot judge Buddhism because I know too little about it.When I had met the Great Teacher and Luce Ardente for the first time, I realized that Buddhism possesses immense riches. For example... the need to abolish suffering, to live always detached from everything - this is something wonderful. (...)Text Video in italian

2021-08-15T23:29:39+02:0020 March 2014|

Chiara ai monaci studenti dell’Università buddista Manachulalongkorn: Alcune risposte

Chiang Mai (Thailandia), 6 gennaio 1997 Un Gran Maestro buddista della Thailandia, Ajahn Thong, era rimasto toccato dallo spirito del Movimento – specie dall’amore al fratello – durante un incontro di dialogo interreligioso nel 1995. Successivamente, invitò Chiara a parlare davanti a 800 giovani studenti dell’università buddista Manachulalongkork di Changmai, nel nord della Thailandia. Dopo aver dato la sua testimonianza, Chiara risponde alle domande degli studenti, mettendo in rilievo «i semi del Verbo» (cf. Concilio Vaticano II, Ad Gentes 11, 15; Gaudium et Spes 3) che si trovano nel buddismo. {rokbox title=|Chiara ai monaci studenti buddisti :: Chiang Mai (Thailandia), 6 gennaio 1997| size=|561 350| thumb=|images/video/lubich_19970106.jpg|}http://vimeo.com/89619879&autoplay=1{/rokbox}

2021-09-01T04:01:07+02:0020 March 2014|
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