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So far Riccardi has created 908 blog entries.

Heroic Love and Nothing Less

Sierre (CH), 4 August 1983 A spiritual message on the always new discovery of the importance of love of neighbour. Today I'd like to speak to you again about love of neighbour.What should our love be like, if it is to meet Jesus' expectations? We know: we must be ready to give our life for each and every neighbour. Heroic love, therefore, nothing less! This is love: "...as I have loved you." With this kind of love, we in the Focolare can become saints and make our lives a Holy Journey. (...) Text Audio in italian

2021-08-15T23:29:40+02:0022 July 2013|

Faccia a faccia – Chiara Lubich e Sandra Hoggett – (II parte)

Rocca di Papa, 19 aprile 2002 Grazie alla domanda di una giornalista inglese, ci viene svelato il frutto “mistico” dell’incontro tra una giovane sconosciuta e innamorata di Dio, Chiara, e una personalità di grande rilievo civile e ecclesiale, Igino Giordani. (Ringraziando Charisma Productions UK per la gentile concessione di questo brano)

2022-09-09T15:17:02+02:0015 July 2013|


Rocca di Papa, Venerdì Santo, 12 Aprile 1968 Un discorso di portata storica, per la risonanza che ha avuto tra i giovani “Gen”  suscitando uno stile di vita diffuso oggi in tutto il mondo.

2023-04-14T15:21:32+02:008 July 2013|

The Rainbow

Rocca di Papa, Good Friday, 12 April 1968 An historical talk because of the great echo it had among the young people, the “Gen”. Arousing a lifestyle which has now spread throughout the world. Among the many things, perhaps one of the smallest, that the Lord made me understand - since it is now approved by the Church I can say that it was an inspiration – is that intuition of the rainbow. I remember when it happened. It was in 1954. At a certain point the Lord made me understand that the love we had in our heart urged us to do various things, different things. All these things were expressions of love (...) Transcription Audio in italian

2021-08-15T23:29:25+02:008 July 2013|

Tutta la legge trova la sua pienezza in un solo precetto …

Roma, 25 Maggio 1983 Commento alla Parola di vita: Tutta la legge trova la sua pienezza in un solo precetto: amerai il prossimo tuo come te stesso (Gal 5,14)1. È questa una parola di Paolo, l'Apostolo: breve, stupenda, lapidaria, chiarificatrice. Essa ci dice ciò che deve stare alla base del comportamento cristiano, ciò che deve ispirarlo sempre: l'amore del prossimo. L'apostolo vede nell'attuazione di questo comandamento il pieno adempimento della legge. Essa, infatti, dice di non commettere adulterio, non uccidere, non rubare, non desiderare... e si sa che chi ama non fa tutto questo: chi ama non uccide, non ruba... Tutta la legge trova la sua pienezza in un solo precetto: amerai il prossimo tuo come te stesso. Chi ama però non evita soltanto il male. Chi ama si apre sugli altri, vuole il bene, lo fa, si dona: arriva a dar la vita per l'amato. Per questo, Paolo scrive che nell'amore del prossimo non solo si osserva la legge, ma si ha «la pienezza» della legge. Tutta la legge trova

2021-08-31T02:02:36+02:0030 June 2013|

The whole law is summed up in a single commandment …

Rome, May 25, 1983 Commentary of the Word of Life: The whole law is summed up in a single commandment, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’ (Gal. 5:14)1. This was said by the Apostle Paul. It is brief, wonderful, incisive, clarifying. It tells us what should be the foundation of our Christian behaviour and what should always be our inspiration: love for our neighbour. The Apostle sees the fulfilment of the law in the practice of this commandment. The law tells us not to commit adultery, not to kill, not to steal, not to covet... and we know that someone who loves does not do all this. Someone who loves does not kill, does not steal ... The whole law is summed up in a single commandment, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’. Someone who loves does not just avoid evil. Those who love are open to others, desire what is good, do what is right, giving themselves: to the point of giving their life for the person loved.

2021-08-15T23:29:18+02:0030 June 2013|
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