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So far Riccardi has created 908 blog entries.

Mary, the Transparency of God

Fiera di Primiero, 1959 Among the many words pronounced by the Father in all of his Creation, one was unique. Not so much an object of thought but more of intuition, not so much the splendor of divine sun but a cool and gentle shade, like a little cloud, fresh and white, that screens and adjusts the sun’s rays so that human eyes can see. It was in the plans of Providence that the Word be made flesh, that a word, the Word, be written on earth in flesh and blood; and this Word needed a background. The heavenly harmonies longed, out of love for us, to transfer their peerless concert within our tents; and for this they needed a silence. The Protagonist of all humanity, who gave meaning to centuries past, enlightened and drew after him centuries to come, had to appear on this world’s stage, but needed a backdrop of white to make him alone stand out. The greatest design that God-Love could invent had to be drawn majestic

2021-08-15T23:29:20+02:003 May 2013|

Interview to Chiara for Italian RAI Television

Rome – Ergife Hotel, 3 June 1984 Inserted in the programme “Segni dei tempi” on June 10th, 1984 "This morning you said that oftentimes work today is very alienating, provoking frustration and dissatisfaction. Why is this?" Because, as I said, there are many reasons for this, above all for this period that we are going through, given this particular era where each one does their own thing – in this industrialized world – does their own small piece and does not see the end result of their labour, of their intelligence, of  their creativity. Well, according to me, one of the ways to get out of this situation would be this: we would need to be so ‘one’ among us, all the workers among themselves, but also with their bosses, with others, so ‘one’ in every workplace as to be able to experience the fruit of their own work; not only the profit that comes from it, which should be shared, etc., but also that certain creativity from that given factory should

2021-08-15T23:29:52+02:0027 April 2013|

Ero ammalato

Roma, 1978 Ho visto un uomo in una corsia d’ospedale, ingessato. Aveva bloccato il torace e un braccio, il braccio destro. Col sinistro s’arrangiava a far tutto... come poteva. Il gesso era una tortura, ma il braccio sinistro, anche se più stanco alla sera, s'irrobustiva lavorando per due. Noi siamo membra l'uno dell'altro e il servizio reciproco è nostro dovere. Gesù non ce l'ha solo consigliato, ce l'ha comandato. Quando serviamo qualcuno, per la carità, non crediamoci santi. Se il prossimo è impotente, dobbiamo aiutarlo, e aiutarlo come si aiuterebbe, potendolo, lui stesso. Altrimenti che cristiani siamo? Se poi, venuta la nostra ora, abbiamo bisogno della carità del fratello, non sentiamoci umiliati. Al giudizio finale udiremo ripetere da Gesù: “Ero... malato... e mi avete visitato”; ero carcerato, ero ignudo, ero affamato...1, dove Gesù ama nascondersi proprio sotto il sofferente e il bisognoso.Sentiamo perciò anche allora la nostra dignità e ringraziamo di gran cuore chi ci aiuta, ma riserviamo il più profondo ringraziamento per Dio che ha creato il cuore umano caritatevole,

2021-08-31T02:02:34+02:0020 April 2013|

I was sick

Rome, 1978 In a hospital ward I once saw a man with a plaster cast. His chest and right arm were immobilized.With his left hand he tried to do everything… as best he could. The cast was a torture, but the left arm, although it was more tired than usual by the end of the day, grew stronger by doing twice its normal work. We are members of one another and mutual service is our duty. Jesus did not merely advise us to serve one another, he commanded us to do so. When we help someone out of charity, let us not believe we are saints. If our neighbour is powerless, we must help him and help him as he would help himself if he could. Otherwise, what kind of Christians are we? If, later, our hour has come, and we need our neighbour’s charity, let us not feel humiliated. At the last judgement we shall hear Jesus repeat the words: ‘I was sick and you visited me …’ (Matt. 25:36)

2021-08-15T23:29:44+02:0020 April 2013|
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