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Beloved, do not grumble against one another

Rome, 25 Novemer 1989 Commentary of the Word of Life: Beloved, do not grumble against one another (James 5:9). For a better understanding of the Word of Life offered us this month, we ought to bear in mind the circumstances that gave rise to it. They were the difficulties appearing in the Christian communities James was writing to. There were scandals, discrimination, a selfish use of wealth, the exploitation of workers, a faith made of words more than deeds, and so on. All of this led to resentment and ill feeling between one person and another, creating an unhappy atmosphere throughout the community. Beloved, do not grumble against one another. Even at the time of the Apostles, therefore, we can see what we also find in our communities today. Often the greatest difficulties in living our faith are not those from outside, that is, from the world, so much as those from within. They come from certain situations that arise within the community and from attitudes and actions of our neighbours

2021-08-15T23:29:54+02:0031 March 2013|

Lettera in prossimità della Pasqua 1945 a una destinataria sconosciuta

1 Aprile 1945 La fine della Quaresima e la Pasqua 1945 segnano per Chiara e le sue compagne un’esperienza di gaudio, il passaggio a una vita “nuovissima”. Sorellina mia in S. Francesco, Ho letto or ora così:S. Matilde1 vide il Signore aprire la Piaga del Suo Cuore dolcissimo e dirle: «Ammira l’estensione del mio Cuore per ben conoscerLo; in nessuna parte tu potrai trovare più chiaro Amore che nelle parole dell’Evangelo, perché non se ne trovarono mai che esprimessero un Amore più forte e più tenero. “Come il Padre ha amato me, così io amo voi”». Non sempre forse tu pensi d’esser una creatura tanto preziosa: oggetto d’amore di Dio.Lui ti amava ancora prima che tu nascessi ed a Lui tornerai presto. Il tempo è un volo e un celerissimo Passaggio.S’avvicina la Resurrezione.Quanto vorrebbe augurarti il mio cuore, conscio del tuo Valore. Non c’è oro né universo intero che paghi la tua anima comprata dal Sangue d’un Dio.Ma, se posso raccogliere in poche parole, quello che ti vorrei dire, ascolta:Risorgi ad

2021-08-31T02:02:31+02:0027 March 2013|

Letter close to Easter 1945 to an unknown recipient

1 April 1945 The end of Lent and the Easter of 1945 marked an experience of joy, the transition to a totally new life for Chiara and her companions. My Dearest Little Sister in Saint Francis, I just read this:Saint Matilda1 saw the Lord open the Wound of His most sweet Heart and say: “Admire the size of my heart that you may know it well; nowhere more explicitly than in the words of the Gospel will you find Love, for never will you find expressed anywhere in words a love that is stronger or more tender: As the Father has loved me, so I love you.” Perhaps you didn’t always think that you were so precious a thing, the very object of God’s love. But He loved you, even before you were born, and soon you will be returning to him. Time is like a flight, a very quick Passage. The Resurrection draws near. My heart would desire so much from you, being so aware of your worth. There’s not

2021-08-15T23:29:46+02:0027 March 2013|

To Refine the Figure of Christ in Us

Rocca di Papa, 21 June 1984 A text for Lent: love and the conquest of virtues. Dearest all,We continue on our life's Holy Journey. There are some who have already completed their journey, and some who have just recently joined us. The predominant feature of this journey is our thrust toward sanctity which is the task of every Christian. Along with you, I am also trying each day to keep the pace, and anchored in prayer in order to obtain the grace of God, I forge ahead. ( ... ) Text Audio in italian

2021-08-15T23:29:40+02:0020 March 2013|

Discorso per il dottorato honoris causa in Sacra Teologia

Manila, 14 gennaio 1997 L’approccio di Chiara alla teologia non è avvenuto sui banchi di una Università ma attraverso piccole circostanze che sono culminate nel riporre gli amati libri in soffitta. Circostanze altamente significative perché vi si legge un disegno, quasi una storia sacra, tramite la quale lo Spirito trova lo spazio per arricchire anche la teologia di una Sua luce.

2022-09-09T15:40:06+02:0013 March 2013|
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