About Riccardi

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So far Riccardi has created 908 blog entries.

Thrust towards the infinite

June 24, 1958 The saints are great men and women who, having seen their greatness in the Lord,risk for God, as his children, everything that is theirs.They give, demanding nothing. They give their life, their soul, their joy, every earthly bond, every richness.Free and alone thrust towards the infinite, they wait for Love to bring them into the eternal kingdom; but, already in this life, they feel their hearts fill with love, true love, the only love that satisfies, that consoles, that love which shatters the eyelids of the soul and gives new tears.Ah, no one knows who a saint is! He or she has given and now receives, and an endless flow passes between heaven and earth, joins earth to heaven, and filters from the depths rare ecstasy, celestial sap that does not stop at the saint, but flows over the tired, the mortal, the blind and paralysed in soul, and breaks through and refreshes, comforts and attracts and saves. If you want to know about love, ask a saint.

2021-08-15T23:29:51+02:001 November 2012|

Se uno mi ama, osserverà la mia parola …

Città Nuova, 25 aprile 2001 Commento alla Parola di Vita: Se uno mi ama, osserverà la mia parola e il Padre mio lo amerà e noi verremo a lui e prenderemo dimora presso di lui (Gv 14,23). Gesù sta rivolgendo agli apostoli i suoi grandi ed intensi discorsi di addio, e li assicura, fra il resto, che essi lo avrebbero visto di nuovo, perché egli si sarebbe manifestato a coloro che lo amano.Giuda, non l'Iscariota, gli domanda allora come mai egli si sarebbe manifestato a loro e non in pubblico. Il discepolo desiderava una grande manifestazione esterna di Gesù che avrebbe potuto cambiare la storia e sarebbe stata più utile, secondo lui, alla salvezza del mondo. Gli apostoli, infatti, pensavano che Gesù fosse il profeta tanto atteso degli ultimi tempi, il quale avrebbe fatto la sua comparsa rivelandosi al cospetto di tutti come il Re d'Israele e, mettendosi alla testa del popolo di Dio, avrebbe instaurato definitivamente il Regno del Signore. Gesù risponde invece che la sua manifestazione non sarebbe avvenuta

2021-08-31T02:02:26+02:0031 October 2012|

Whoever loves me will keep my word …

Rome, April 25, 2001 Commentary of the Word of Life: Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him (John 14:23). Jesus is giving his powerful farewell address to his apostles, and he has just assured them, among other things, that they will see him again because he will reveal himself to those who love him. Then Jude asks him why he intends to reveal himself only to them and not to everyone. The disciple was hoping for a great public manifestation of Jesus, one that would change the course of history and that would be, in his opinion, more effective for the salvation of the world. In fact, the apostles thought of Jesus as the long-awaited prophet of the last days who would reveal himself to everyone as the King of Israel. Putting himself at the head of the people of God, he would establish at once and for all time the Kingdom of

2021-08-15T23:29:43+02:0031 October 2012|

Chi è il fratello

Rocca di Papa, 05 Ottobre 1978 Un approfondimento sulla realtà dell’uomo, inteso come fratello, alla luce dell’Antico Testamento.

2022-09-09T22:52:31+02:0025 October 2012|

The New Evangelization

Castel Gandolfo, February 24, 2002 It’s not the first time I am addressing this subject and I must say that it has always given me a special joy.Why? Because the indications of the Holy Father John Paul II in this regard are stupendous, truly special and timely. But also because I’ve realized the truth of the Pope’s words in Redemptoris Missio, that is, that the ecclesial Movements and new Communities “[are] a true gift of God both for the new evangelization and for the missionary activity, so properly called.”So he expects a new springtime for the Church especially from them... Text Audio in italian

2021-08-15T23:29:37+02:0018 October 2012|
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