Having gained her elementary teacher’s diploma, from her nineteenth to her twenty-third year she taught. Her students have always remembered her as “la maestra Silvia”.
Benito Cont recalled, “We will never forget those lessons […] One October evening she took us outdoors – she had a woollen jacket – to study and contemplate together the eclipse of the moon. I also remember her leading the Rosary in the church of the Opera Serafica with 90 children. Her voice was interrupted by the sound of the siren that warned of bombings on Trent”.

A colleague, Pierita Folgheraiter, recalls: “From the beginning she was at my side with many valuable suggestions, always ready, whatever I asked, without imposing: on the contrary! I saw her as a diligent worker, precise and attentive, always calm, optimistic. […] If I wasn’t able to do something, I would ask her and she helped me with everything. “

From 1940 to 1943 Chiara, in the photo with some students, taught in Cognola (Trento) in the 'Opera Serafica' institute for orphans or children from troubled families, run by the Capuchin Fathers.
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