On April 20, 1998, in Buenos Aires (Argentina), Chiara met members of the Jewish community and signed a pact of fraternity with them. “It is with great joy that I am here today with you all, a part of one of the largest Jewish communities in the world. […] And what does my heart tell me at this most propitious moment? First of all, the desire to know you at least a little. And then to establish a relationship with you, as brothers and sisters, not just something abstract, made up of compliments and words. Something concrete, hopefully nourished by reciprocal gifts. For that is what brothers and sisters do, who after a long time discover one another as such, and love one another.”[1].


  1. [1] Chiara Lubich, Discorsi in ambito civile ed ecclesiale, Città Nuova 2020, pag. 502
Buenos Aires, 20 aprile 1998
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