From Chiara’s Diary

The virginity pleasing to God does not lie only in physical virginity, but in that spiritual attitude that is “inexistence” for oneself, where we are all always for God. It is the transparency of Mary who never thought of herself but only of God, Christ and the Church, the mystical Body of Christ.

The virginity which pleases God is synonymous with love, which burns like fire. Love that is participation in the divine life of God who is Love; God who manifests His divine virginity in his intimate life of perfect reciprocal self-giving.

The virgin is he or she who goes ahead without any supports, only with God. It is he or she who finds strength in not having any supports, because God intervenes to assist and strengthen when a soul fully trusts solely in Him.

If the Scripture phrase, “Diis estis” (“You are gods”) can be suitably applied to any state of life, this above all holds true for the virgin who is at the service of the Kingdom of God. The virgin is God through full participation in God’s life, according to his or her capacity.
