Rome, 1978

Oh, St. Joseph! Perhaps I have prayed to you too little… I ask your pardon.
I have spoken about you, but I have not spoken with you, and yet you have said so much to us by your silence, by your readiness to carry out God’s wishes, by your daily work which teaches all people, especially the poor of the world, to offer up their own labour.
You are the Protector of the Church, and Pope John XXIII gave you a special position in it.
We desire to have a deep devotion towards you, because you protected Mary and Jesus and because you are a model of all the virtues.
St. Joseph, we commend to you the unity of the Church; the orders, the religious movements, the families. Take care of the young people and the children so that they are not led astray by the evil of the world, but, guarded also by you, they may walk according to God’s plans.

Chiara Lubich


(from Knowing How to Lose, New City/London, 1981, p.25)