Castel Gandolfo, 18 June 1988

Chiara’s catechism to children on Peter’s primacy of love and of his successors. She draws from the Holy Scriptures and her personal experience.

“What is the Pope like? Does he have love inside?”.

Since I have seen the Pope many times, … she asks me, “What is the Pope like?” Look, the Pope is a special person, just think of all the languages that he knows   he speaks almost all the languages, he is very strong, he travels around the world without getting too tired. And then he knows many things, he has studied a lot.
But the most beautiful thing about the Pope is that he has a heart that is able to love more than anyone else, more than anyone else, more than all the other people in the world. Do you know why?

Because he is the successor of Saint Peter. Peter was the first Pope. Then there was another, and then another, and then another and now we have this Pope. The Popes are able to love more than everyone else because Jesus said to Peter, “Do you love me more than the others?” “Yes”, said Peter.
“But do you really love me more than the others?” “Yes”, said Peter. And for the third time, Jesus asked, “Do you love me more than the others?” “Yes!”, said Peter, because he was able to love more than everyone else, and we know this, we have experienced this. We are adults now, so we have seen not only this Pope but also Paul VI, John XXIII and other Popes. All of them have shown us a greater love, a greater love.
And we can see this great love of this Pope especially when he is with children, because he has an extraordinary love for children. He kisses and hugs them; he blesses them and takes them in his arms.
Here are some slides of children with the Pope.


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