Chiang Mai (Thailand), 6 January 1997

A Buddhist Grand Master of Thailand, Ajahn Tong, was struck by the spirit of the Movement –  especially by the love of neighbour – during a meeting of interreligious dialogue in 1995. He later invited Chiara to speak in front of 800 young students of the Buddhist university Manachulalongkork of Chang Mai, in the north of Thailand. After having given her experience, Chiara answered the students’ questions, emphasizing «the seeds of the Word» (cf. Second Vatican Council, Ad Gentes 11, 15; Gaudium et Spes 3) that are found in Buddhism.

Luce Ardente:  As a Christian, what do you think of Buddhism?

Chiara:    I cannot judge Buddhism because I know too little about it.
When I had met the Great Teacher and Luce Ardente for the first time, I realized that Buddhism possesses immense riches. For example… the need to abolish suffering, to live always detached from everything – this is something wonderful. (…)


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