Trent, late 1943 – early 1944

Chiara, who was from Trent, inspired the souls of these young women who read her letters, which she signed using her simple Third Order name, Suor Chiara (Sister Clare). “God,” she writes, “Here is where the adventure begins.” “The word that God wanted me to express was himself: God.”  This letter is a luminous documentation of it.

Ave Maria!

My Dearest Sisters,

I would like to be next to each one of you, speaking with my heart in my hand, with the delicateness of God, telling you in words that cut to the depths of the soul what is taking place in my heart. Sister, beautiful soul, also for you the Almighty has marked out a plan of love.
You too can live for something great in life.

Believe it: God is in you!
Your soul in grace is a focal centre for the Holy Spirit, the God who sanctifies.
Look inside you, search for God, your God, who lives in you.

Oh, if you only knew whom you have within you!
If only you would leave behind everything else for Him!
Oh, if only you would turn over to Him your life, which is brief as a sunset and escapes you with the passing of every new day!
Oh, if only God reigned in you and every power of your soul and body were a servant in the divine service to this King!
Oh, if only you loved Him with all your heart, all your mind, all your strength!

Then … you would fall in love with God and you would go through the world announcing the good news:
God exists! Live for Him!
God will be your judge! Live for Him!
God will be everything for you in a few years, after this brief life is over!
Throw yourself into him!
Love Him.

Listen to what He wants from you in every moment of your life!
Do it with all the enthusiasm of your hearts, consuming all your strength in this divine service.
Fall in love with God!
There are so many beautiful things on earth.
God is more beautiful!
Don’t let your youth run away from you and amid the tears of a life that’s failed you will have to say:
Late have I loved you!
Late have I loved you, oh beauty ever ancient, ever new!

Still quivering with life, our blood is boiling within us!
Our heart still beats and can still love!
It can still prove its love by overcoming every hardship!

I love you now my God, my all!
My All!
Command me now and I will do it! Your will is mine!
I want what You want!

Falling in love with God on earth means falling in love with his will!
Until our souls having lived in this divine service, will finally see Him and possess Him forever!

Sister Chiara
