From Chiara’s diary

{rokbox title=|From Chiara’s diary :: 25 March 1967| size=|fullscreen| thumb=|images/scritti/19670325-diario-p.gif|}downloads/chi_19670325_en.pdf{/rokbox}

25 March 1967

Two things struck me during Holy Week: Jesus’ fear – “He began to feel fear” (Mk 14:33) – and his plea to the Father to be freed of the enormous burden that was overwhelming him.

How many times we too “feel fear”… for thousands of reasons. Let us drown our drops of fear in his great fear!
And how many times we plead with God, and then, while we voice our request, we re-explain ourselves, adhering to his will if it turns out to be different from ours.  
Perhaps our pleas are not useless… perhaps they have a “reason.” Also Jesus pleaded, thus showing himself to be close to us, truly man!
