Rome – Ergife Hotel, 3 June 1984

Inserted in the programme “Segni dei tempi” on June 10th, 1984

“This morning you said that oftentimes work today is very alienating, provoking frustration and dissatisfaction. Why is this?”
Because, as I said, there are many reasons for this, above all for this period that we are going through, given this particular era where each one does their own thing – in this industrialized world – does their own small piece and does not see the end result of their labour, of their intelligence, of  their creativity.
Well, according to me, one of the ways to get out of this situation would be this: we would need to be so ‘one’ among us, all the workers among themselves, but also with their bosses, with others, so ‘one’ in every workplace as to be able to experience the fruit of their own work; not only the profit that comes from it, which should be shared, etc., but also that certain creativity from that given factory should be felt by each worker as his/her own.
Now, I know of environments where people live and work in this manner, in a repetitive way piece by piece, but their is such enthusiasm about what the small enterprise or factory is producing that they say: but if we can resolve this problem on a small scale, why not on a large scale? These, naturally, are Christian environments that I am speaking about. ( … )


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