1 April 1945

The end of Lent and the Easter of 1945 marked an experience of joy, the transition to a totally new life for Chiara and her companions.

My Dearest Little Sister in Saint Francis,

I just read this:

Saint Matilda1 saw the Lord open the Wound of His most sweet Heart and say: “Admire the size of my heart that you may know it well; nowhere more explicitly than in the words of the Gospel will you find Love, for never will you find expressed anywhere in words a love that is stronger or more tender: As the Father has loved me, so I love you.”

Perhaps you didn’t always think that you were so precious a thing, the very object of God’s love.
But He loved you, even before you were born, and soon you will be returning to him.
Time is like a flight, a very quick Passage. The Resurrection draws near.
My heart would desire so much from you, being so aware of your worth. There’s not enough gold in the universe that could pay for the value of your soul which has been purchased by the Blood of God.
But if I could put into a few words what I’d like to tell you …
Listen: Rise to a totally new life and believe that God loves you. I assure you the fullness of joy here below and a life that’s a constant alleluia.
Every true joy will be the fruit of the only two flowers that can perennially blossom in the garden of your soul: The strong desire to be loved and to love.
Your tiny heart is a mystery of the love of God.
It sings only when it is loved by an Infinite Love and when it can love an Infinite Love.
The Infinite Love loves you. Believe in this.
Whether you love the Infinite Love who is God, I don’t know; I only hope that you do, for your own happiness. During this Easter pass over to a continual giving of Love2.
May my wish for you come true.


1St. Matilda von Hackenborn (1241–1299), Benedictine nun and mystic who received revelations concerning the love of Jesus and his Sacred Heart.

2The Italian word for Easter is pasqua which means Passover.

(Published in: Chiara Lubich, Early Letters, New City Press, NY 2012)
