Castel Gandolfo, 3 January 1989

Chiara continues to communicate to the young men religious about her “rediscovery” of the centrality of mutual love and its extraordinary effects.

(…) The new commandment … is the foundation of Christianity.
Those who begin to live it earnestly, … in the manner that Jesus had lived it, become aware, first of all, of a leap in the quality of their spiritual life. For instance, they experience in a new manner the gifts of the Spirit. They come to know a new kind of joy, a peace, kindness and magnanimity. They acquire a light which helps them to see from God’s perspective all that happens, and to penetrate more deeply into the truths of faith.
At the same time, this reciprocal love bears witness to Christ in the world. He said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (Jn 13:35). (…)


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