This is the era of the Mystical Body, as Pope Pius XII has said.

Therefore, if this era’s characteristic were really put into effect, the impact on society would soon be unmistakable.

And one of these effects would be a mutual esteem among countries and peoples.

This is not usual. In fact, it is much more common to find strongly enforced borders between one people and another, to fear the might of the other or, at best, to forge alliances for each nation’s own advantage.

But it is difficult to think of acting solely out of love for another nation; popular morality has not reached such heights.

When, however, the life of the Mystical Body among individuals has been developed to the point that all truly love their neighbours — be they black or white, red or yellow —as themselves, it will be easy to transplant this law to the relationship among nations.

And something new will happen. For love brings us to find similarities or to make them. Each nation will learn the best of the other and each one’s virtues will be made to circulate for the enrichment of all.

Then, there will truly be unity and variety. A people will rise up that, even though a child of this world, is guided by the laws of heaven. It will be able to call itself “people of God.”

Chiara Lubich


Taken from Chiara Lubich, Essential Writings, p.230 / da Città Nuova n.21 – 15 novembre 1960