Mariapolis Araceli (Brazil), 31 May 1991

This is when the economy of communion was born. Chiara had just launched the idea and wants to involve also the young people of Brazil

You are very important because this turning point begins now, but it will explode later, when the young people, the Gen, will have a leading part.
So you must be formed with these ideas and be informed of all that happens. I heard that one of you has already begun to do something concrete. You must support him, help him, give him advice, share the responsibilities, do whatever you can…

It’s not enough for us to observe only the principles of the Christian social doctrine on human rights, workers’ rights, and so on. We want the owners of these businesses, if they have made the Ideal their own, to give all the profits so as to live communion among all.
Among whom? Meanwhile let’s begin with our Movement. We are about one hundred and fifty thousand people in Brazil, among whom there might be five per cent who are poor.
Let’s put together all the profits, we’ll take a census of all our poor and we help them. First of all, perhaps, by giving them something to eat; then finding them a job, introducing them to the businesses until all are relieved from poverty.

Remember, Gen, have no peace until we reach this goal. We must be revolutionaries of communion given freely. If some people don’t want to do this, they are free, but we brush everyone off their feet so that they may all reach this point.
The early Christians achieved this.
So Gen, I’m counting on you, because young people are always the most generous. They might not have much money, but they have many ideas and they’re very generous. They are ready to give even their lives for great ideas. You know that for certain revolutions, for Communism for instance, people even gave their lives. God might not ask us for our life, but He asks us to spend all our energies for this program.
So I count on you and on all the Gen of the world.
However, our program is: “No poor in all the Movement.” Then we will gradually go outside of our circle, but I am convinced that others will learn and will see that if their Christianity is not like this, it’s old. Then, they too will want to renew themselves and join our revolution.
When the Gen Movement was emerging more than twenty years ago, I told you: “No to Communism, no to capitalism: the answer is Christianity lived completely.”



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