January 10, 1978

Città Nuova

{rokbox title=|Open Dialogue – question to Chiara:: Città Nuova, 10/01/1978| size=|fullscreen| thumb=|images/scritti/19780110_CN-p.jpg|}downloads/chi_19780110_en.pdf{/rokbox}

“Open Dialogue”
(question to Chiara)

What are the effects that come from living that sentence of the Gospel that says:  «Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them»?

P. L. – Florence

In living out this phrase of the Gospel, we can have the presence of Jesus in our midst: not the presence of a particular virtue, but of a person.
We do not see Him with our eyes, but he is present and knows our every thought, every beat of our heart, every response of our soul. He is present. He is in everyone, envelopes everyone, and he helps, enlightens, and encourages each one and all of us together.
And for Him to be present – and this is wonderful – just a few people are enough: two or three. And – amazingly – there where he is present, the Church is present. Tertullian said: «Where two or three (even lay people) are united in the name of Christ, the Church is present.»
And wherever the Church is present, its power shines forth. Christ is at work as he was at work in Palestine, even if in different ways.
In the future, great difficulties could arise for Christians. I do not know, but we must not fear, really for this reason: because wherever two or more fully live this sentence of the Gospel, there is Jesus in their midst. And he will be able to enter into factories, in schools, in homes, wherever, and render the Church present.  
The truly big events are born from small things. Just as Jesus was born in Bethlehem in a manger, so too can he be born again today among two or three: two or more boys, two or more girls, two or more women, a mother and a son, a daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law: two or more.
In answering your questions, I would like to share with you the passion that fills my heart, and it is that of invading humanity in today’s society with this presence of Jesus.

(Published in Città Nuova, n. 1, 1978)
