Frascati, 2 May 1982

Peace in the world also depends on me…

Jesus says: “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Mt. 5:9). Today with all these tensions between East and West, tensions between races, in certain countries between rich and poor, wars and terrorism and one thing and another, we have to be people who bring peace. Where should we begin? With, ourselves, with ourselves.

When we realize that something is upsetting us, we should put peace there, because we don’t know the consequences. If we allow that particular thing explode within us, then we are already a centre of tension. Then, in our families, offices and schools, we have to be peacemakers, bring peace, because we can’t imagine the consequences this way of acting will have – like a stone thrown into water – we can’t know the good effects. Who knows what would have happened if we hadn’t really acted as peacemakers.

 Chiara Lubich


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