Florence, 17 September 2000

How do we take the right path for our life? An answer of Chiara Lubich.

I want to correspond with all my being to God’s love for me. It’s not clear to me yet which way I should follow. How can I grow every day in choosing him in a radical and absolute way?

Chiara: She’s asking two questions. First, how can I understand my way?
In other words: I don’t know my way… and I’d like to know it (…)

In order to understand your way – she intends the right way, the will of God for her – you must first of all pray, because if you are serious about following God’s will, you become a laborer of Jesus, one of those laborers Jesus mentioned when he said that the harvest is abundant but the laborers are few, and he said “pray”, so we must pray.
So, to understand your way, those among you who might not know your way, remember that it is necessary to pray.
Ask Jesus: “Open my eyes, make me understand, open my heart, make me feel what you want.” And then? Love. … We must love. We won’t understand our way unless we love. God doesn’t speak in noise, in murmurs, in emptiness. God speaks in love.
She also asks how she can become more radical and totally committed every day.
Training, training, training. This morning, while I was reading this question, I thought of the artistic athletes we sometimes see, for example, figure skating. They are really wonderful, and it’s a joy to watch them.
Of course, sometimes, some fall. But they don’t just sit there, discouraged. They get up and go ahead. And they gain other points. The fact that they fell doesn’t mean that they are disqualified, not at all.
We must do the same: always begin again, training, training, always begin again, as if nothing happened. Training, training.
By dint of training ourselves, at first, we might correspond to God’s love, let’s say, three times a day, then six times a day, then sixty times a day, until we reach the point of corresponding the whole day through.
But it takes training, training.


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