It is thought that what is not communicated is lost.

For the teller and the listener, light is thus shone on lived experience, and the experience appears fixed in eternity [1].

In order to understand the cultural effect of this light on the field of communication, which is an instrument of unity, we return to the start of Chiara Lubich’s experience, characterized by

“a revolution of a whole previous way of thinking that everyone had. Our life as Christians had many disconnected parts and was not very attractive – there was the time for the apostolate, the time for prayer, the time for work, etc. At a certain moment, we realized that everything had to change: the only thing to do was to love God, and in order to show Him our love, we prayed; in order to tell Him we loved in Him, we loved our neighbours or went about our daily duties, etc. Thus the aspects of our lives were unified [in us], giving light and unity to all.”[2].

It was a unity not limited to a personal dimension but which also developed among the members that make up the body, the community.

“This thirst to feel united has always been a characteristic of ours from the very earliest days, when through intense communication by letter we put in common the work that God was doing within us, a work that grew the more it was shared.”[3]

One of the first academic honours received by Chiara Lubich, was in Social Communication Sciences from St. John’s University in Bangkok, Thailand. The Board’s resolution recognized her as “A person who has used the means of communication in various forms to spread God’s love toward humanity, without distinction of class, nationality, religion, to assure every person a way of peace and unity.”[4]

Over time, Chiara used the most modern means of communication and encouraged others to do the same, because if it is true that ” to bring unity, which means to evangelize the world, what is needed first of all is that essential means which is persons, people, apostles “[5], to reach as many people as possible “It is necessary to count on powerful, universal means, which is exactly what the mass media are.”[6].

In the rationale for academic recognition, it was emphasized how “Fifty three years ago, Chiara, listening to the voice of the ‘Great Communicator’ in her heart, followed the call to live His love in the midst of the suffering of World War II and to proclaim this love as a simple Christian in the world.”[7]

In her talk, after illustrating how different means of communication have been used over time according to circumstances and the advancement of technology, Chiara showed how the means of communication have a characteristic role at the service of a communitarian spirituality. She concluded with a wish: ” I hope that […] many may come to realize even more what these gifts of modern technology can become in our hands..”[8]


  1. [1]

    Chiara Lubich, La dottrina spirituale, Mondadori 2001, pag.345

  2. [2]

    Chiara Lubich, in una conversazione a Grottaferrata, il 24 dicembre 1962

  3. [3]

    Chiara Lubich, La dottrina spirituale, Mondadori 2001, pag.338

  4. [4]

    In Dottorati honoris causa conferiti a Chiara Lubich, Città Nuova, 2016, pag. 55

  5. [5]

    Ibid., pag. 59

  6. [6]

    Ibid., pag. 59

  7. [7]

    Ibid., pag. 57

  8. [8]

    Ibid., pag. 63

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