Circa Riccardi

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Finora Riccardi ha creato 907 post nel blog.

New Humanism

October 19, 1970 In today’s consumer society the main thing we want to save is time. If we read advertisements, or listen to the radio and T.V., we often hear the expressions: "instant, ready-made, immediate delivery." Even sculptors and painters now work fast and take shortcuts, whereas in the past, the artist took his time. The changes came fast in our own familiar cities. The field at the city limits has now been transformed into a suburb. In just a few months time, streets that we walked along for years are turned into highways. Everything is done quickly and efficiently, a lot is prefabricated.This is even more true in the field of communication. It is now possible to reach people far away, saving a lot of travel time. It is impossible not to be influenced by this new pace that humanity is caught up in, even for Christians who are careful and are attracted by the mysteries of the spirit, even for people open to the most sublime things, especially where

2021-08-15T23:29:40+02:0017 Settembre 2010|

Quando si è conosciuto il dolore

Quando si è conosciuto il dolore in tutte le sfumature più atroci, nelle angosce più varie, e si son tese le mani a Dio in mute strazianti implorazioni, in sommesse grida di aiuto; quando si è bevuto il fondo del calice e si è offerta a Dio, per giorni e per anni, la propria croce, confusa con la sua, che la valorizza divinamente, allora Dio ha pietà di noi e ci accoglie nella sua unione. È il momento in cui, dopo aver esperimentato il valore unico del dolore, dopo aver creduto all’economia della croce ed averne visto gli effetti benefici, Dio mostra in forma più alta e nuova qualcosa che vale più ancora del dolore. È l’amore agli altri in forma di misericordia, l’amore che fa allargare cuore e braccia ai miserabili, ai pezzenti, agli straziati dalla vita, ai peccatori pentiti.Un amore che sa accogliere il prossimo sviato, amico, fratello o sconosciuto, e lo perdona infinite volte. L’amore che fa più festa a un peccatore che torna che a mille giusti,

2021-08-31T02:02:30+02:0014 Settembre 2010|

The Fleeting Moment

Letter (1949?) to the young girls of the Third Franciscan Order This undated letter is certainly written at the beginning of Chiara’s adventure because of her underlining the concrete love of neighbour: in fact, the first response to God, discovered as Love, was to assist the poor people of Trent.Even though in this letter Chiara does not yet speak of unity, the emphasis is put on mutual help and the horizon is widened to universal brotherhood. My dear sisters! St. Francis, the Saint of fire and deeds, from the highest Heaven, where he lives blessed and anxious to fulfil the Work of God entrusted to him till the end of time, he looks at us, young people burning with vibrant life with the hope of a Saint. Listen to your neighbour’s heart! Break through every dam, every darkness, every difficulty, every petty thought and look to Heaven that awaits us and is the prize which we will enjoy for an everlasting period. Too little do we think of Paradise! To us,

2021-08-15T23:29:28+02:0014 Settembre 2010|

When we have known suffering

When we have known suffering in all shades of its most frightful forms, in the most varied kinds of anguish, and have stretched out our arms to God in mute, heart-rending supplication, uttering subdued cries for help; when we have drunk the chalice to the last drop and have offered to God, for days and years, our own cross mingled with his, which gives it divine value, then God has pity on us and welcomes us into union with him. This is the moment in which, having experienced the unique value of suffering, having believed in the economy of the cross and seen its beneficial effects, God shows us in a new and higher way something that is worth even more than suffering. It is love for others in the form of mercy, the love that stretches our hearts and arms to embrace the wretched, the poor, those whom life has ravaged, repentant sinners.A love that knows how to welcome back our neighbour who went astray, our friend, brother or a

2021-08-15T23:29:30+02:0014 Settembre 2010|

A Mother like Mary

Rocca di Papa, May 26, 1987 {rokbox title=|A Mother like Mary :: Rocca di Papa, 26 May 1987| size=|561 350| thumb=|images/video/lubich_19870526.jpg|}{/rokbox} From a telephone link-up with the regional centers of the Focolare worldwide Transcription

2021-09-02T03:20:59+02:008 Settembre 2010|
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