The kingdom of heaven…
June 25, 1999 Commetary on the Word of Life: The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it (Mt. 13:45-46) In this very brief parable, Jesus captures the imagination of his listeners. Everyone knew the value of pearls: along with gold, they were the most precious things one could possess. The Scriptures also spoke of wisdom, that is, of the knowledge of God, as something that was so valuable that it could not be compared to “any priceless gem" (Wis 7:9). What emerges in the parable, however, is the description of an unusual and surprising event: the merchant caught sight of a pearl, perhaps in a bazaar; only his expert eye could see that this pearl had enormous value. From it he could derive considerable profit. This is why, after careful calculation, he decided that it was well worth it to sell everything he had to buy the pearl.