Circa Riccardi

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Finora Riccardi ha creato 908 post nel blog.

Per una Chiesa-comunione

Rocca di Papa, 20 dicembre 1989 Cos’è che ci fa Chiesa viva ?  Risposta di Chiara Lubich a una focolarinaChiara Lubich indica nell’amore reciproco, come premessa necessaria all’azione dell’Eucaristia, la via per realizzare una realtà viva di Chiesa e per darne testimonianza.  

2021-09-01T04:00:48+02:0023 Maggio 2016|

Re-living Mary

Paris, April 26, 1998 We are perhaps too used to seeing the mother of Jesus from a devotional point of view, rather than considering her role in the universal plan of providence.  This can make it difficult to understand the deep inner conviction which led to Chiara Lubich wanting to re-live Mary, who is a model for everyone. Nicole: In Paradise 1949 you understood Mary in a new and splendid way. Can you tell us something about your relationship with her today? Chiara:  All right, yes. How do I see Mary now? I see her as being very great, very, very, very great because that is how she is. I no longer see her as the young girl from Nazareth, as she is often shown in little statues. No, I know that she is very great! … We can’t imagine nor will we ever be able to imagine how great Mary is. So let’s use all our imagination, all the ideas we might have in order to fathom something of how great

2021-08-15T23:29:19+02:0016 Maggio 2016|

Rivivere Maria

Parigi, 17 dicembre 1996 Forse perché  siamo abituati troppo spesso a vedere la madre di Gesù sotto il profilo solo devozionale, rispetto alla sua funzione universale nel piano della provvidenza,  che ci risulta difficile comprendere la convinzione più intima che muove Chiara Lubich a rivivere Maria, che è, modello per tutti. 

2021-09-02T04:22:50+02:0016 Maggio 2016|

Ask the Holy Spirit for help

Prague 30th April 2001 Chiara Lubich’s answer to a question put to her at the meeting with the community of the Focolare Movement in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Marie: “Chiara, you have a special relationship with the Holy Spirit. Could you tell us about this?” Chiara: With regard to the Holy Spirit, I must admit I have a relationship with the Holy Spirit which arises out of love, certainly, but also out of necessity.   What would I do without the Holy Spirit? It would be useless for me to go and speak; it would be useless to…. For example, I ask the Holy Spirit for help many times a day, and above all, I do this with the other focolarine and focolarini, because Jesus said that if we ask together, it is easier to obtain the Holy Spirit. Jesus also told us it is easy to obtain the Holy Spirit, because if a father does not give you a scorpion instead of bread, but gives you bread, so too

2021-08-15T23:29:50+02:009 Maggio 2016|

Message to the Youth for a United World

The Little Town of Araceli (San Paulo), 26th April 1998 In the whole of the youth section of the Focolare Movement, this week is “United World Week”. The text that follows is Chiara Lubich’s message to young people dated 26th April 1998. Dear Youth for a United World, I know that you hoped to receive a message from me that would contribute towards the success of United World Week. What subject have I chosen to speak on? There couldn’t be a better one than your very own goal of achieving a united world. Is it reasonable to talk about a united world? Is it possible to imagine a united world? Can we hope that the attention we give and the energy we use will one day play a significant role in reaching such an objective? Or is it a utopia, something unattainable and fantastical, as some people might think? Many signs today point to the fact that the world is heading towards this goal. First of all, there is the conviction

2021-08-15T23:29:43+02:002 Maggio 2016|
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