Circa Riccardi

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Finora Riccardi ha creato 908 post nel blog.

Love put into practice

Love of neighbour was a discovery Chiara Lubich and her first companions made progressively right from the start of their experience. “While realizing that the foundation of the Gospel is charity... we did not immediately understand how to live it, nor with whom, nor to what degree we were to put it into practice. At the beginning, due mainly to the distressing circumstances of the war, we directed our love toward the poor. We were convinced that in those gaunt and, at times, repulsive faces, we could make out the face of the Lord. It was a real training. We were not accustomed to loving supernaturally. At most, we cared about our relatives or our friends in a spirit of warm respect or in a purely natural and healthy friendship. Now, under the impulse of grace, trusting in God and in his Providence which cares for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, we addressed our attention to all the poor of the city. We invited them

2021-08-15T23:29:21+02:009 Aprile 2016|

Un amore esercitato

L’amore al prossimo: una scoperta progressiva di Chiara Lubich e delle sue prime compagne sin dagli inizi delle loro esperienza. «Pur intuendo che il fondamento del Vangelo è la carità (l’amore del prossimo) ..., non è che capissimo subito come fare a viverla, con chi dovesse essere messa in pratica e su quale scala. All’inizio, portate soprattutto dalle circostanze dolorose della guerra, indirizzammo il nostro amore ai poveri, sicure di ravvisare sotto quei volti macilenti, ributtanti a volte, il volto del Signore. E fu una scuola. Noi non eravamo abituate ad amare in senso soprannaturale. Il nostro interesse era arrivato, al più, fino ai nostri cari o agli amici, in quell’ottimo rispetto o sana amicizia naturale. Invece ora, sotto la spinta della grazia, fidando in Dio e nella sua Provvidenza, che pensa agli uccelli dell’aria e ai fiori dei campi, dedicavamo la nostra premura a tutti i poveri della città. Cercavamo di farli venire nelle nostre case e sedere alla nostra mensa. (...) Se a casa non potevano essere accolti, venivano

2022-10-14T17:03:20+02:009 Aprile 2016|

“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Mt 25:40)

Word of Life – November 1984 This sentence of Jesus is em­bedded like a pearl in the well-known passage on the final judgment written by the evan­gelist St. Matthew. It represents the whole message of the Gospel in summary form, reinforcing all that is affirmed in it regarding the human person and what is expected of him or her. Jesus, the one long-awaited "by all peoples," came and saved humanity which had fallen into sin. He himself bore the price of such an immense purification. He will return at the end of time under his rightful title as King and Judge and will gather to­gether all peoples of every time and place in order to judge each individual according to their deeds. The result will be either eternal reward or eternal punishment. However, according to the de­scription of the final judgment that Jesus gave to his disciples, the divine judge will, at that time, say something very sur­prising: "I was hungry and you gave me food." When, though, did we ever

2021-08-15T23:29:53+02:0031 Marzo 2016|

«Ogni volta che avete fatto queste cose a uno solo di questi miei fratelli più piccoli, l’avete fatto a me» (Mt 25,40).

Parola di vita di novembre 1984 Questa Parola di Gesù è incastonata, come una perla, nella nota pagina dell'evangelista Matteo sul giudizio finale. È una pagina che, in sintesi, ci ripresenta tutto il messaggio del Vangelo, suggellando quanto esso afferma sull'uomo e quanto richiede da lui. Gesù, l'atteso da "tutte le genti", è venuto e ha salvato l'umanità naufragata nel peccato, soffrendo in se stesso il prezzo di tanta purificazione. È lui che tornerà, a giusto titolo come re-giudice, alla fine dei tempi e radunerà tutti gli uomini di ogni luogo e di ogni epoca, per dare a ciascuno ciò che gli spetta secondo le sue opere: il premio o il castigo eterno. Ma - secondo la descrizione del giudizio finale, che Gesù fa ai suoi - il giudice divino dirà qualcosa che sorprenderà tutti: «Avevo fame e mi avete dato da mangiare...». Quando mai, infatti, noi tutti uomini abbiamo dato da mangiare a lui? Perciò egli spiega: «Ogni volta che avete fatto queste cose a uno solo di questi miei

2021-08-31T02:03:07+02:0031 Marzo 2016|

The Risen Lord

Castel Gandolfo, 14 November 2002 Christ’s Resurrection. A unique event in history that most characterizes Christianity and identifies its founder. It is an opportunity to renew faith in the Life that does not pass. Dear everyone, The spiritual thought this month concerns one precise characteristic of the Christian life. Since our Movement also includes the faithful of other world religions as well as people who do not have any particular religious affiliation, I would like to begin with a suggestion and a recommendation precisely for them. As you all know, we are all part of the same Movement where what must triumph among us is the “Golden Rule” present in our Scriptures: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” or “Do not do to others as you would not have them do to you.” This requires loving one another, and therefore, getting to know one another better. For this reason, I encourage all of you to derive benefit from what I will say now. It is part

2021-08-15T23:29:45+02:0023 Marzo 2016|

Easter Triduum

Lake Constance (Switzerland), 16 April 1981 In the life and thought of Chiara Lubich, the most precious moments of the year are in Holy Week. We are now living through the most precious moments of the year. They are precious for the Church that re-lives the liturgy of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection. They are precious to all of us in the Movement because we have a spirituality that is centered on unity and on Jesus forsaken. Today is Holy Thursday, our feast day. Like today, many years ago, Jesus gave his disciples the new commandment, the commandment which is the fundamental law and the basis of every other rule for each of us. Like today, Jesus prayed for unity: “May they all be one.” Like today, he instituted the Eucharist which makes him present among us and in fact brings about our unity with Him and with one another. And like today, he instituted the priesthood that makes the Eucharist possible. All of this in one day. What more do

2021-08-15T23:29:39+02:0017 Marzo 2016|
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