Circa Riccardi

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Finora Riccardi ha creato 907 post nel blog.

Mary, «Explanation» of God

This writing is noteworthy for its simplicity.  Living Mary helps us understand God who is Love. If the Lord gave her to us as our mother, how can we not believe in his love? A mother never ceases to love her wayward son; she never ceases to await his return when he has gone afar. She desires nothing but to see him again, to forgive him, to embrace him again: because a mother’s love fills everything with the scent of mercy. A mother’s love is something that is always above any painful or difficult situation in which her son finds himself. Hers is a love that never fades in the face of moral, ideological or any other kind of turmoil that may overwhelm her son. Her love, because it rises above all things, wants to cover over everything, to hide his mistakes. If a mother sees her son in danger she does not hesitate to risk everything, to throw herself onto the train tracks if her son is about to be

2021-08-15T23:29:41+02:003 Febbraio 2016|

“As if I were his or her mother”

Rocca di Papa, 3rd March 1983 An invitation to live better the Holy Year of Mercy, with a mother’s heart and without measure. “Let among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” (Jn 8:7). Jesus said this to those who wanted to stone the adulteress. The central idea in Jesus’ commands is always love. This is why he doesn’t want us Christians to condemn anyone. In fact he says, “Do not judge,” and proclaims, “Blessed are the merciful.” Jesus wants mercy. Nevertheless, from what he says one could conclude that there is someone who could throw the first stone: whoever is without sin. This is certainly not one of us, we are all sinners. But there is a person who is without sin. And we know who she is: the Mother of God. Could Mary, then, “throw a stone” at someone who erred? Did she ever do such a thing when she was on earth? We know our Mother. We know what Scripture says

2021-08-15T23:29:34+02:0027 Gennaio 2016|

E’ Pasqua

Collegamento CH - Castel Gandolfo, 14 novembre 2002 La Risurrezione di Cristo. Un fatto unico nella storia, che maggiormente caratterizza il cristianesimo e distingue il suo Fondatore. Un’occasione per rinnovare la fede nella Vita che non passa. downloads/chi_20021114_it.mp3 testo audio

2021-08-31T02:01:16+02:0027 Gennaio 2016|

A fourth pathway ecumenical dialogue: the dialogue of life

Paris, 17th December 1996 In the context of Christian Unity Week 2016, here is an extract from a talk by Chiara Lubich on the specific contribution the Focolare Movement makes to Ecumenical Dialogue. It’s full of encouragement and hope. Annie: In June 1997, a major ecumenical meeting will be held in Graz (Austria). The theme will be: “Reconciliation, gift of God, source of new life.” I see this as a step towards the unity of Christians. As a member of the Reformed Church and a volunteer in the Movement, I would like to ask you, Chiara, how do you see our specific contribution to the unity of the Churches today? Thank you. Chiara: Look, this is really a very beautiful question and the answer became crystal clear while I was in London, where I met not only Catholics, but Lutherans, members of the United Reformed Church, Anglicans, Methodists and many others who are part of our Movement. We had a meeting like this one, even bigger, and they all belonged to the Movement.

2021-08-15T23:29:26+02:0021 Gennaio 2016|
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