Circa Riccardi

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Finora Riccardi ha creato 907 post nel blog.

Mi sono fatto debole con i deboli

Rocca di Papa, Febbraio 1982 Commento alla Parola di Vita: «Mi sono fatto debole con i deboli, per guadagnare i deboli; mi sono fatto tutto a tutti, per salvare ad ogni costo qualcuno» (1Cor  9,22). Chiara ha una predilezione per questa parola di Paolo per la sua affinità con l’espressione “farsi uno” che lo Spirito le ha suggerito fin dagli inizi della sua avventura spirituale. Qui un commento che ne ha dato nel febbraio 1982.

2022-09-09T08:55:03+02:0010 Aprile 2015|

To Be an Easter People

Sierre, 24 March 1994 Holy Week is the climax of the liturgical year. This text invites us to celebrate and penetrate the central mysteries of our faith, also with our lives.  Dearest all, Easter will soon be here; the greatest feast of the year, and with it Holy Week which is abounding with the most precious mysteries of Jesus' life. We are reminded of these especially on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and on Resurrection Sunday. For us, too, they represent central aspects of our spirituality: the mandate to live the new commandment, the institution of the priesthood and the Eucharist, the prayer for unity, the death of Jesus forsaken on the cross, Mary Desolate, the risen Lord. We will celebrate these mysteries with the Church through the holy liturgy, but because ours is a "way of life"  we prepare ourselves in order to honour them also with our life. But how can we relive, at least a little, these mysteries which are so very numerous and profound? We know

2021-08-15T23:29:33+02:001 Aprile 2015|

The Family and Mary

21 April 1984 The family: a lofty and recurring topic in the thought and life of Chiara Lubich. This writing of 1984 places the family in its design, in its being a domestic church in God’s plan, “a welcoming dwelling place for all the lost children.” Therefore let’s look at Mary, so as to live with her help and example “the luminous and fascinating plan of God on the family in all its expressions.”  On the occasion of the Holy Year of Jubilee for the families, John Paul II consecrated and entrusted the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It was also the day of the Annunciation. The coincidence of events is certainly not by chance. In fact, there are deep relationships between Mary and the family, at least for the fact that both are great experts in love. Mary got to know the family in her heart, already simply on the natural level, in her various aspects as daughter, fiancée, wife, mother though always a virgin, and widow. The

2021-08-15T23:29:25+02:0025 Marzo 2015|

La famiglia e Maria

21 aprile 1984 La famiglia: tema altissimo e ricorrente nel pensiero e nella vita di Chiara Lubich. Questo scritto del 1984 inserisce la famiglia nel suoi disegno, cioè nel suo essere nel piano di Dio chiesa domestica, «dimora accogliente per tutti i figli dispersi».  Guardare dunque a Maria, per vivere col suo esempio e col suo aiuto «il progetto luminoso e affascinante di Dio sulla famiglia in tutte le sue espressioni». Il giorno dell’Annunciazione Giovanni Paolo II ha consacrato ed affidato l’umanità al Cuore Immacolato di Maria in occasione del Giubileo dell’Anno Santo per le famiglie. La coincidenza con questo avvenimento non è certo casuale. Passano, infatti, profonde relazioni fra Maria e la famiglia, se non altro per il fatto che l’una e l’altra sono grandi esperte nell’amore.   Maria lo ha conosciuto nel suo cuore, già semplicemente sul piano naturale, nei suoi più vari aspetti come figlia, fidanzata, sposa, madre, pur sempre vergine, e vedova. La famiglia è il regno dell’amore. In essa, nasce, cresce, e si sviluppa l’amore filiale,

2021-08-31T02:02:56+02:0025 Marzo 2015|

The Penance That Heaven Asks of Us

Mollens, 25 August 1988 A new charism in the Church like the one God generously gave to Chiara Lubich does not overrule the previous Christian practices, but rereads them in the light of God’s gift, of its own evangelical perspective.  I had an opportunity to do some reading on great saints the Church honours, and also to watch some films about them. One of the strongest impressions I took away was the harsh, very harsh life of penance that some of them lived; they often wore the most uncomfortable hairshirts, practiced continual fasts, painful vigils, interminable silences, sleeping on the bare ground or on boards. It was also on the strength of these penances that these saints became what they were.  Naturally I asked myself: What about us? What do we do? Don’t we too want to become saints? And immediately, in my soul, I got a clear answer: “You (individually and collectively) must look to Mary. It is she who is your model. About her, who lived in the midst

2021-08-15T23:29:18+02:0018 Marzo 2015|
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