Circa Riccardi

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Finora Riccardi ha creato 907 post nel blog.

The Presence of God in the Eucharist

Rocca di Papa, 9 July 1974 Before her Chiara has the young people (Gen1) of the Movement. Drop by drop, she wishes to transmit to them the whole patrimony of light and wisdom that she has received from God. Here we have her relationship with the Eucharist (...)God is Love: what an infinitely meaningful treasure is contained in these words! God is Love. He is not a God who is far away, static and inaccessible. God is Love and He comes towards each one of us in a thousand different ways. We must only want it.Let's look around us, Gen, to discover together to what folly of love our God ... was moved by His love for us. Let's look to see if in the world there is any trace of His love, any sign of His presence. Let's search for Him, not only to affirm a truth, not out of curiosity, good though it may be, but in order to draw near to His presence, to expose ourselves to the

2021-08-15T23:29:17+02:0021 Giugno 2014|

La presenza di Dio nell’Eucaristia

Rocca di Papa, 9 luglio 1974 Chiara ha davanti a sé i giovani del Movimento, i Gen1, a cui desidera  trasmettere, goccia a goccia, tutto il patrimonio di luce e di sapienza donatole da Dio. Qui il suo rapporto con l’Eucaristia.  {rokbox title=|Chiara ai gen :: Rocca di Papa, 9 luglio 1974| size=|561 350| thumb=|images/video/lubich_19740709.jpg|}{/rokbox} Testo 1 I Gen sono i giovani del Movimento dei Focolari

2021-09-01T04:01:06+02:0020 Giugno 2014|

L’abisso dentro di me

Roma, 22 giugno 1972 Entriamo con grande silenzio interiore nel colloquio di Chiara con il Dio Uno e Trino. La Trinità dentro di me!L’abisso dentro di me!L’immenso dentro di me!La voragine d’amore dentro di me! Il Padre che Gesù ci ha annunciatodentro di me!Il Verbo!Lo Spirito Santo, che voglio sempreavere per servire l’Opera,dentro di me! Non domando di meglio.Voglio vivere in questo abisso,perdermi in questo sole,convivere con la Vita Eterna. E allora? Potare la vita fuorie vivere quella dentro.Di quanto taglio di comunicazionicon l’esternodi tanto parlo con la Trinitàdentro di me. (Diario del 22.5.1972, cit. in «Gen’s», 29 (1999), 1, p. 7) Testo

2021-08-31T02:02:47+02:0014 Giugno 2014|

The abyss inside me

Rome, 22 june 1972 With great inner silence we enter in Chiara’s conversation with the One and Triune God. The Trinity inside me!The abyss inside me!Immensity inside me!The chasm of love inside me! The Father who Jesus announcedinside me!The Word!The Holy Spirit, who I alwayswant to have in order to serve the Work of Mary,inside me! I ask for nothing less.I want to live in this abyss,lose myself in this sun,live together with Eternal Life. What should I do then? Prune the life outsideand live the one inside.The more I cut communicationswith the externalthe more I speak with the Trinityinside me. (Diary entry 22 May 1972, cited in Essential Writings, New City Press, New York 2007, p.147) Text

2021-08-15T23:29:48+02:0014 Giugno 2014|
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