It’s been Only a Few Days that He is Pope, John XXIII
20 November 1958 John XXIII is the Pope who signed the approval of the Focolare Movement in 1962. This is how Chiara Lubich remembers him in an article of the “Città Nuova” magazine" ...Jesus is genuinely and wholeheartedly present in John XXIII. This is Jesus, who with much pain and love, tells his disciples: “My dear children, love one another." But since love is not love if it’s not substantial, he immediately made it concrete and real, incarnating those words: “Coepit facere et docere” (he began to do and then to teach), so as to make the Church one family, conveying universal love for everyone and especially for each one. We see such sublime gifts of humility and simplicity in John XXIII that upset many people, people who are deceived by extravagant lifestyles or by the boom of a science that proves useless in life and only builds up pride. In him Jesus wishes to gather together in one sheepfold all the little sheep, even those who are wandering around outside.