Circa Riccardi

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XVª Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù

Tor Vergata (Roma), 19 agosto 2000 Chiara Lubich rivolge ai giovani riuniti a Roma per la Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù un invito ad essere testimoni della “nuova evangelizzazione” e così protagonisti nel cammino del mondo verso la fraternità universale, per realizzare il testamento di Gesù: “Che tutti siano uno”. {rokbox title=|XVª Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù :: Tor Vergata (Roma), 19 agosto 2000| size=|561 350| thumb=|images/video/lubich_20000819.jpg|}{/rokbox} Per gentile concessione di TV2000

2021-09-01T04:01:15+02:0025 Luglio 2013|

Chiara to the World Youth Day

Tor Vergata, August 19, 2000 Presenter: Now we come to 1995, to the World Youth Day in Manila, the largest in number – four million young people gathered in Manila. They accepted the Pope’s invitation to walk along the way of sanctity towards the new frontiers of evangelization.The Focolare Movement will guide us in our reflection on the Manila World Youth Day. It is our great pleasure now to listen to its foundress who is here with us, Chiara Lubich.You already had a very beautiful day-meeting in Rome in the Flaminio Stadium. How did it go?Chiara: Very well, magnificently. There were many of us, 24,000.Presenter: We’ll give the word to you now. (...) Transcription Video in italian

2021-08-15T23:29:46+02:0025 Luglio 2013|

Heroic Love and Nothing Less

Sierre (CH), 4 August 1983 A spiritual message on the always new discovery of the importance of love of neighbour. Today I'd like to speak to you again about love of neighbour.What should our love be like, if it is to meet Jesus' expectations? We know: we must be ready to give our life for each and every neighbour. Heroic love, therefore, nothing less! This is love: " I have loved you." With this kind of love, we in the Focolare can become saints and make our lives a Holy Journey. (...) Text Audio in italian

2021-08-15T23:29:33+02:0022 Luglio 2013|

Heroic Love and Nothing Less

Sierre (CH), 4 August 1983 A spiritual message on the always new discovery of the importance of love of neighbour. Today I'd like to speak to you again about love of neighbour.What should our love be like, if it is to meet Jesus' expectations? We know: we must be ready to give our life for each and every neighbour. Heroic love, therefore, nothing less! This is love: " I have loved you." With this kind of love, we in the Focolare can become saints and make our lives a Holy Journey. (...) Text Audio in italian

2021-08-15T23:29:40+02:0022 Luglio 2013|

Faccia a faccia – Chiara Lubich e Sandra Hoggett – (II parte)

Rocca di Papa, 19 aprile 2002 Grazie alla domanda di una giornalista inglese, ci viene svelato il frutto “mistico” dell’incontro tra una giovane sconosciuta e innamorata di Dio, Chiara, e una personalità di grande rilievo civile e ecclesiale, Igino Giordani. (Ringraziando Charisma Productions UK per la gentile concessione di questo brano)

2022-09-09T15:17:02+02:0015 Luglio 2013|
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