Circa Riccardi

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A Divine Balance

Rome, 1950 «In patientia vestra possidebitis animas vestras». “By patience you will possess your souls” (Lc 21, 19)1 .With these words Jesus teaches us to live well the present moment of our life: to live it profoundly, perfectly and fully. This is what counts in Christianity: doing things well.Indeed, proverbial human wisdom says, “A job well begun is a job half done.” It is good, but does not apply to everyone. Instead, divine wisdom says: “The one who endures to the end will be saved” (Mt 10:22). The Lord knows that everyone, except Mary, had a bad beginning as a result of original sin. He had good reasons to become man to save us. What is important, though, is that we finish well, that we prepare ourselves for that moment on which our eternity depends.The Lord teaches us to conduct our affairs well, to apply ourselves to all that we must do in life, with that patient love which knows how to suffer well, that maintains control of our soul, so

2021-08-15T23:29:49+02:0014 Giugno 2013|

Alcune risposte di Chiara al Supercongresso Gen 3

Marino (Palaghiaccio), 10 maggio 1997 Chiara Lubich risponde alle ragazze e ai ragazzi del Movimento dei Focolari, radunati ad una grande manifestazione internazionale, su argomenti che affrontano problematiche tipiche della loro età. {rokbox title=|Alcune risposte di Chiara al Supercongresso Gen 3 :: Marino (Palaghiaccio), 10 maggio 1997| size=|561 350| thumb=|images/video/lubich_19970510.jpg|}{/rokbox}

2021-09-01T04:01:17+02:007 Giugno 2013|

Answers Chiara gave at the Gen 3 Supercongress

Marino (Ice Arena), May 10, 1997 I’m Elisa from the United States.“People in my neighbourhood tend to stay closed in themselves and in their own little world. They never stop to speak with others and they live in great loneliness and individualism. Our parents tell us that it wasn’t like this when they were young. What can we young people do in our neighbourhoods and all over the world, so that people can really be united?” Chiara: I think you should bring ahead that revolution of love you have already begun and which you are expressing here through your words, your dances and your experiences.Of course, this revolution involves a special kind of love; a love that has particular qualities. For example, you need to love everyone. So it shouldn't matter whether that person is ugly, beautiful, fair-skinned, dark-skinned, old or young. You've got to love everyone, all those around you, at home, at school, everyone, everyone, everyone.Then, this love has another quality: you must be the first to love. Don't

2021-08-15T23:29:42+02:007 Giugno 2013|

Se, facendo il bene, sopporterete con pazienza la sofferenza …

Roma, 25 Aprile 1990 Commento alla Parola di vita: Se, facendo il bene, sopporterete con pazienza la sofferenza, ciò sarà grazia davanti a Dio (1 Pt 2,20). L'apostolo Pietro sta illustrando alle sue comunità il genuino spirito del Vangelo nelle sue applicazioni concrete, con particolare riferimento alla condizione e allo stato di vita a cui ciascuno appartiene. Qui si rivolge agli schiavi che si sono convertiti alla fede ed ai quali, come a tutti gli schiavi nella società di allora, accadeva di subire incomprensioni e maltrattamenti del tutto ingiusti. Per estensione queste parole sono rivolte a tutte le persone le quali in ogni tempo e luogo si trovano a dover subire incomprensioni ed ingiustizie da parte dei loro prossimi, siano essi superiori od eguali. Se, facendo il bene, sopporterete con pazienza la sofferenza, ciò sarà grazia davanti a Dio. A queste persone l'apostolo raccomanda di non cedere alla reazione istintiva, che potrebbe sorgere in queste situazioni, ma di imitare il comportamento tenuto da Gesù. Li esorta anzi a rispondere con l'amore,

2021-08-31T02:02:35+02:0031 Maggio 2013|

But if you endure when you do right and suffer for it …

Rome, April 25, 1990 Commentary of the Word of Life: But if you endure when you do right and suffer for it, you have God’s approval (1 Pt 2:20). The apostle Peter is showing his communities the true spirit of the Gospel in its practical applications. In particular he refers to each person’s circumstances and position in life.Here he is speaking to slaves who had converted to the faith and who, like all slaves in society at that period, were sometimes subject to totally unjust ill-treatment and lack of understanding. These words also extend to all those in any time and place who find they must endure a lack of understanding and injustice at the hands of their neighbours, whether superiors or equals. But if you endure when you do right and suffer for it, you have God’s approval. Peter advises them not to give in to the instinctive reactions that such situations provoke, but to do what Jesus would do. He urges them to respond with love and to see such

2021-08-15T23:29:35+02:0031 Maggio 2013|

Come amare il fratello (I parte)

Rocca di Papa, 24 ottobre 1978 La relazione tra amore di Dio e amore del prossimo viene esplicitato e approfondito in questa conversazione in cui Chiara Lubich racconta come è cresciuta in lei la comprensione di tale inscindibile legame.

2022-09-09T15:27:10+02:0024 Maggio 2013|
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