Circa Riccardi

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Finora Riccardi ha creato 907 post nel blog.

Jesus in Those Who Suffer (Part I)

Rocca di Papa, 5 February 1979 If a text of the New Testament appears to be unfailingly overwhelming it would be the text of Matthew 25, called “the last judgement.” Chiara highlighted it very much, she took it sine glossa and she dealt with the consequences with extreme rationality. The Last Judgement I think it is appropriate to read now, in its entirety, the passage describing the most awe-inspiring and momentous event that all of us will one day have to experience: “When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. ( ... ) Video in italian Text

2021-08-15T23:29:32+02:006 Marzo 2013|

Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her

Rome, 25 february 1983 Commentary of the Word of Life: Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her (Jn.8:7). While Jesus was teaching in the temple, the Scribes and Pharisees brought in a woman who had been caught in the act of committing adultery. They said to Jesus, ‘In the law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?’ (Jn. 8:5). They wanted to set a trap for him. If Jesus had shown himself to be against the stoning, they could have accused him of going against the law. According to the law, the eye-witnesses had to begin stoning the one who had sinned, to be followed by the rest of the people. If, instead, Jesus had confirmed the death sentence, they would have made him contradict his own teaching about God’s mercy to sinners. But Jesus, bending down and writing on the ground with his finger, showed how unruffled he was. He straightened up and said: Let

2021-08-15T23:29:25+02:0028 Febbraio 2013|

Chiara is interviewed by the belgian TV

Bruxelles, April 1, 1977 “Leave only the Gospel to those who follow you” (December 1972). This interview strongly echoes the inner calling of Jesus. Question:    Chiara, according to you what does it mean to love somebody?" Chiara: To love somebody does not mean sentimentalism. To love somebody means to do to others what we would like others to do to us, and this is the Gospel. If, for example, I have a suffering, I want to be consoled; if I have a doubt I want someone to give me certainty. In the same way, if I were ignorant I would want someone to teach me; if I lacked clothes I would want someone to bring me clothes; if I were ill I would like someone to come and see me; if I were hungry or thirsty I would like someone to bring me food and drink. ( ... ) Video in italian Transcription

2021-08-15T23:29:18+02:0022 Febbraio 2013|

Dialogo Aperto: Che cos’è il focolare?

Roma, 1977 Ascetica e mistica nella forma di vita nuova che è il focolare Al cuore del Movimento che lei ha fondato e che comprende varie forme di impegno c’è il “focolare”. Cos’è il focolare? Il focolare è una comunità moderna di poche persone che vivono in mezzo al mondo, mimetizzate col mondo, che vestono come tutti gli altri nel mondo, che lavorano come gli altri.Però, a differenza degli altri, sono persone che hanno lasciato il mondo, che hanno lasciato la propria patria, la propria famiglia, il proprio lavoro, per donarsi alla causa dell’unità nel mondo. Il focolare è aperto anche agli sposati, purché sentano in loro questa aspirazione totalitaria. Ad essi è richiesto un distacco da tutte le cose, spirituale.Vi è uno statuto, venuto dalla vita, che è la regola di vita del focolare e che si adatta a tutte le circostanze. Però la norma delle norme, ciò che sta sotto a tutte le regole, ciò che è base di tutta la vita è la continua carità che non deve

2021-08-31T02:02:31+02:0015 Febbraio 2013|
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