Circa Riccardi

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Finora Riccardi ha creato 907 post nel blog.

When we have known suffering

Rome, May 1958 When we have known suffering in all shades of its most frightful forms, in the most varied kinds of anguish, and have stretched out our arms to God in mute, heart-rending supplication, uttering subdued cries for help; when we have drunk the chalice to the dregs and have offered to God, for days and years, our own cross mingled with his, which gives it divine value, then God has pity on us and welcomes us into union with him. This is the moment in which, having experienced the unique value of suffering, having believed in the economy of the cross and seen its beneficial effects, God shows us in a new and higher way something that is worth even more than suffering. It is love for others in the form of mercy, the love that stretches our hearts and arms to embrace the wretched, the poor, those whom life has ravaged, repentant sinners.A love that knows how to welcome back our neighbour who went astray, our friend, our

2021-08-15T23:29:20+02:007 Gennaio 2013|

Cerimonia solenne il 7 dicembre 2012

A Brasilia, il 7 dicembre scorso, il senato federale ha dedicato una sessione speciale per tributare un omaggio ai Focolari e alla sua fondatrice, Chiara Lubich, nella 69ª ricorrenza dell’inizio del Movimento. articolo su

2022-05-17T14:01:55+02:003 Gennaio 2013|

Solemn cerimony on December 7, 2012

In Brasilia, 7 December 2012, the Federal Senate dedicated a special session to give tribute to the Focolare Movement and its founder, Chiara Lubich, on the 69th anniversary of the Movement’s beginning. article on

2022-05-17T14:01:55+02:003 Gennaio 2013|

Cérémonie solennelle, 7 décembre 2012

À Brasilia, le 7 décembre dernier, le sénat fédéral a consacré une session spéciale pour rendre hommage aux Focolari et à sa fondatrice Chiara Lubich, à l'occasion du 69° anniversaire de la naissance du mouvement. Article sur

2022-05-17T14:01:55+02:003 Gennaio 2013|
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