Circa Riccardi

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Finora Riccardi ha creato 907 post nel blog.

Whoever loves me will keep my word …

Rome, April 25, 2001 Commentary of the Word of Life: Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him (John 14:23). Jesus is giving his powerful farewell address to his apostles, and he has just assured them, among other things, that they will see him again because he will reveal himself to those who love him. Then Jude asks him why he intends to reveal himself only to them and not to everyone. The disciple was hoping for a great public manifestation of Jesus, one that would change the course of history and that would be, in his opinion, more effective for the salvation of the world. In fact, the apostles thought of Jesus as the long-awaited prophet of the last days who would reveal himself to everyone as the King of Israel. Putting himself at the head of the people of God, he would establish at once and for all time the Kingdom of

2021-08-15T23:29:43+02:0031 Ottobre 2012|

The New Evangelization

Castel Gandolfo, February 24, 2002 It’s not the first time I am addressing this subject and I must say that it has always given me a special joy.Why? Because the indications of the Holy Father John Paul II in this regard are stupendous, truly special and timely. But also because I’ve realized the truth of the Pope’s words in Redemptoris Missio, that is, that the ecclesial Movements and new Communities “[are] a true gift of God both for the new evangelization and for the missionary activity, so properly called.”So he expects a new springtime for the Church especially from them... Text Audio in italian

2021-08-15T23:29:37+02:0018 Ottobre 2012|

Lo Spirito soffia

Culto, Liturgia, e Comunità unita, nella ricorrenza del Concilio Vaticano II.Questo testo è tratto in parte da un diario di Chiara Lubich del 4 maggio 1968. «Se dunque presenti la tua offerta sull’altare e lì ti ricordi che tuo fratello ha qualche cosa contro di te, lascia lì il tuo dono davanti all’altare e va’ prima a riconciliarti con il tuo fratello e poi torna ad offrire il tuo dono» [Mt 5,23-24].Il culto divino e l’amore dei fratelli che compone e ricompone l’unità fra essi non possono essere assolutamente disgiunti.Se una comunità non si «realizza» in Cristo, nella piena comunione, è evangelicamente inadatta a presentare a Dio un degno culto. In questi ultimi tempi il Concilio ha risvegliato questo senso della comunità unita; e lo Spirito Santo, soffiando in vari modi, ha fatto riscoprire il Vangelo della carità.Ma quale bisogno ne avevamo noi cristiani!Ecco perché sovente sentivamo di non comprendere in tutto il suo valore la liturgia.Noi siamo per lo più eredi di una religiosità individuale, dove non si bada troppo

2021-08-31T02:02:26+02:0010 Ottobre 2012|

The Spirit blows

Worship, Liturgy and United Community on the Second Vatican Council's anniversary.This is an excerpt of Chiara Lubich's diary of May 4, 1968. 'So if you are about to offer your gift at the altar and you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, go at once and make peace with him, and then come back and offer your gift to God’ (Mt. 5:23-24).Divine worship and love among brothers and sisters, the love which creates and rebuilds unity, are absolutely inseparable. If a community does not 'fulfil' itself in Christ in full communion it is unfitted, according to the Gospel, to offer true worship to God... Text

2021-08-15T23:29:29+02:0010 Ottobre 2012|
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